Off Topic / Mururoa Island - the game - Trailer 1

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2022 20:42 Edited at: 22nd Mar 2022 20:43
The first game that I have been planning on creating is called "Mururoa Island" I wanted to post the 1st trailer here since the in game screenshots/the game itself, is not ready to be displayed. .... lol, just realized I spelled Moruroa wrong. I'll fix that!

Moruroa Island info

Harkin Hails M.
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Joined: 9th Jul 2016
Playing: With Rocks. Ooga Booga.
Posted: 24th Mar 2022 12:31 Edited at: 24th Mar 2022 15:08
Hm, screenshots would be nice. I'm interested in what people create with MAX.

EDIT: Ehh this is in off topic sub, I thought this was a Max one. Nevermind.

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