Hi All,
Here is a link to today's broadcast:
And all the questions and answers we could not reach in the live chat:
Q> They bothered to add the amazing particle system from AGK studio, but didn't bother to use it, I'm just left wondering why?
A> We do use it, you can find them when you select the particle game element and choose a particle effect.
Q> Why not 3D explosions?
A> Not fore EA, but will be updated to use more volumetric particles.
Q> When can I import a full level from Game Guru into max?
A> You can try this now, but you will not get 100% forward compatibility for all levels and content.
Q> Can birds randomly fly around without being scared, as long as they are in the field of view?
A> This feature is not available in the bird behavior.
Q> Night and day system: how is that going?
A> There are no plans to add night and day cycles in the EA release, this is planned for later.
Q> Is there a chance the community can get back to contributing to the source code of GG Classic by separating the Classic and Max GitHub branches?
A> This is something we have been discussing internally, nothing to announce at this time, but definitely watch this space!
Q> When will there be more options to control ambient lights ?
A> You can add different behaviors to lights already, but if there is something you want to see added, create a new GitHub issue feature request and the team will take a look at it.
Q> Will there be any sort of SSAO to tie the scene together better?
A> There are currently no plans to add SSAO.
Q> Will it be possible to add a "wave effect" to an object? For example adding a boat, buoys or logs.....and make it sway with the waves
A> Not out of the box, but this could be achieved with scripting.
Q> Will the player be able to swim?
A> Not for early access, but we do have plans to allow this in the future.
Q> When will you start RPG stuff as I am keen to get going in this area.
A> RPG development will start later this year, once we have a solid Foundation with the FPS genre.
Q> Is cell shading possible in game guru max?
A> Not out of the box, but you could use a look up texture to achieve a similar effect.
Q> The dying and getting hit is nice, but what about avoidance? What about trying to avoid getting hit or even running away?
A> Work on the AI is ongoing and we encourage anyone with feedback to raise an issue on the GitHub issues board, and the team will take a look at the request.
Q> Are there human characters who can walk around like the animals?
A> Yes, you can place a character and some flags in your level. Connect the character to the flags using visual logic and your character will follow the path set by the flags.
Q> The DLC I bought for the previous version can I use that in the newer version?
A> We expect you to be able to import a fair amount of assets bought for Classic without issues. However not everything will be compatible, so we are unable to make that guarantee.
Q> How much of a priority is VR after the 25th of March?
A> VR work is scheduled to start after the RPG and puzzle genres.
Q> What about culling of entities not seen by the camera?
A> Optimization work is scheduled to commence next week. The team does have a plan for this issue, but it is likely it will not be ready until after early access.
Q> Weeks ago I asked if we could make a decent RPG just with visual logic. Mr Bamber said yes but mentioned Lua scripting which was a confusing answer. Can I make an RPG without scripting in April 2022?
A> Not at the moment, but once we add more RPG features, this will indeed be possible.
Q> Weather system: is that happening?
A> Work on the improved weather system is ongoing behind the scenes, but might not be available until after early access.
Q> Can we have an option for third-person games? Also smoother camera movement and motion blur?
A> There are currently no plans for out of the box support for third-person games or motion blur. If you are seeing issues with camera movement please raise an issue on GitHub so the team can take a look.
Thanks again for attending, and do not forget the new time of 7 PM GMT every Wednesday

GameGuru Classic will continue to be supported with bug fixes and functionality additions.