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Okay, I had to read that again to understand the idea... as in ~ol DOS Wolfenstein_3D style? According to wikipedia... I was in the Army when that was released- so didn't play it then. But I enjoyed Commander Keen quite a bit around that era.
Really I'd go all custom and HideHuds() then put the image that pertains to your player health in the screen location you have in mind + health via text, etc Those sprite commands are in /scriptbank/global.lua and you should probably place the images also in scriptbank/images folder. Make them .png
LoadImage: myImage = LoadImage ( "myFolder\\myImage.png" ) -- Anywhere inside GG Files folder (however it is best to put into scriptbank images folder for making standalones)
SetSpriteSize ( mySprite , sizeX , sizeZ ) -- passing -1 as one of the params ensure the sprite retains its aspect ratio
CreateSprite: mySprite = CreateSprite ( myImage )
PasteSpritePosition: PasteSpritePosition ( mySprite , x , y ) -- as above but pasted at a specified XY coordinate
--How about test this and see if it comes close?
mySprite = {}
myImage = {}
spx = {}
spy = {}
topphealth = 100 -- or whatever
health_spno = 1
function health_sprite_init(e)
hespx = 77 -- wherever screen location 'x'
hespy = 90 -- wherever screen location 'y'
myImage[1] = LoadImage ( "myFolder\\myImage1.png" ) -- match to where you put folder
mySprite[1] = CreateSprite ( myImage1 )
--............ and so forth for all the images........... increase numbers+1 at the [1] part
end ---------- init
function health_sprite_main(e)
for msp = 1, 6 do -- go out sprite
spx[msp] = 200
spz[msp] = 200
if g_PlayerHealth >= topphealth then
SetPlayerHealth(topphealth )
health_spno = 1
g_PlayerHealth < topphealth and g_PlayerHealth > 75 then -- who's there?
health_spno = 2
spx[1] = hespx
spz[1] = hespx
elseif g_PlayerHealth < 76 and g_PlayerHealth > 50 then -- ouch
health_spno = 3
spx[2] = hespx
spz[2] = hespx
elseif g_PlayerHealth < 51 and g_PlayerHealth > 25 then -- watch out
health_spno = 4
spx[3] = hespx
spz[3] = hespx
elseif g_PlayerHealth < 26 and g_PlayerHealth > 0 then -- careful!
health_spno = 5
spx[4] = hespx
spz[4] = hespx
elseif g_PlayerHealth < 1 then -- uh oh!
health_spno = 6
spx[5] = hespx
spz[5] = hespx
for msp = 1, 6 do
PasteSpritePosition ( mySprite[health_spno], spx[msp] , spy[msp] )
end -- main