Is that mine or someone else's? Oh I see, you are adding functionality, - that didn't look familiar.
I could look it over, but those are AmenMoses libraries. Glad that part works, if so.
Okay I looked through the physics script and it calls for using Objects instead of Entity #
Try this
**BEFORE the init;
local ladnecw, ladnech, ladnecl, ladnecm, ladneccx, ladneccy, ladneccz, ladneccxs, ladneccys , ladnecczs = {}
**INSIDE init;
ladnecw[e], ladnech[e], ladnecl[e], ladnecm[e], ladneccx[e], ladneccy[e], ladneccz[e], ladneccxs[e], ladneccys[e], ladnecczs[e] = P.GetObjectDimensions ( g_Entity[e]['obj'] )
You will want to refer to "ladnech[e]" for height- if that works, and let us know cause I never used that one before.
My physlib date is 12-1-2020 is that the same as yours?
With a nil error; usually you just need to see if the variable is assigned a value before it's compared or used in any manner that requires a value instead of nil- obviously! ( often 0 works as preliminary setting ). Either in the init or before the init if you are using multiple entities with same script, and then turn the value into an array (table) using --
** BEFORE init;
local var = {}
** AFTER init
var[e] = __your value__
Now I gotta ask these masters a question about particles! Maybe later...