Product Chat (Early Access) / GameGuru MAX , experimenting with the terrain generated by the editor

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2021 11:19 Edited at: 22nd Dec 2021 11:22

I want to show some screen captures of my experiment with a terrain generated by GameGuru Editor :

1) Terrain (OBJ file) imported in my modeller where I cloned that asset to test a different uv mapping's method on each asset.
- the first terrain is uv mapped with the method "projection" and it shows strong distortion of the texture applied on the mesh.
- the second terrain is uv mapped with the method "angle base" and very few distortion of the texture are visible on the mesh.

2) Terrain with uv map created with the method "projection" imported in GameGuru MAX :

3) Terrain with uv map created with the method "angle base" imported in GameGuru MAX :

Technical details :
- Texture used for that experiment (neither the best format nor the best quality) : a procedural texture sizing 1024x1024 pixels (seamless tiling) stored in a jpg file.
- As I can see GameGuru MAX generates a game's environment the size of which is 1/20th of the dimensions found in the real world :
- a terrain generated by its editor is a grid divided into squares (pairs of adjacent triangles) the size of which is equal to 10 square centimeters in the real world but is equal to two square metres in the GameGuru MAX world.
- I guess that the Physics engine doesn't control the terrain's collision for each of those small squares, perhaps that this control is operating on blocks covering a larger surface. (this assumption is simply the fruit of my imagination).


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Posted: 22nd Dec 2021 19:54 Edited at: 22nd Dec 2021 20:01
What could be the advantage of texturing a terrain surface outside GameGuru MAX ? That's what I tried to answer with this example :

Sometimes it is also interesting to create a project having a level initiated with a blank terrain (as mentioned by Lee Bamber in his Live Broadcast of today) and to import a small terrain with your own textures.
In this way you can save up to 450 MBytes in the standalone version of your game. That amount is relative to the content of the "terraintextures" subfolder that you can delete in your project (in that case please don't forget to backup that folder on a secured place).


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Posted: 29th Dec 2021 11:31 Edited at: 29th Dec 2021 11:37
Today I opened my images' folder where I am storing all the pictures taken during my long bicycle rides and I wondered if GameGuru MAX could compete with the beauty of the natural landscapes.

Here are a few of my own pictures (quality and size are considerably reduced) :

And here is my experiment with a very low poly asset (784 quads) imported in GameGuru MAX (I am currently playing with the latest alpha version) :

The texture used for the UV mapping of that imported asset is the "" found in the "mat20" of the "terraintextures" folder.
However I used Shadermap Pro to generate a .pbr material with that texture.

You'll notice the interesting uv mapping applied on that mesh where you cannot see any visible tiling effect.

The "compilation (I am not sure about that word) of the level with a large landscape (5 square kilometres) to run its simulation took a few minutes, but that level only uses less than 600 MBytes of RAM.


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Posted: 31st Dec 2021 11:40 Edited at: 31st Dec 2021 11:42
That new feature "Choose Heightmap Raw File" in the "Terrain Generator" is a great one.
I tested it with a simple "png" file created with an old 2D paint application "RealWorld Paint 2013.1" generously offered for free on this website

A big thank you to its developers.

It still works on the O.S. "Windows 10 64-bit" without any "compatibility mode" settings.

This is what I was able to do within five minutes of discovering that user friendly application :

Successful export as a standalone "game" as shown in this video (53 seconds = 208 MBytes = HD format) uploaded on my free Vimeo's account :

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Posted: 4th Jan 2022 21:41
For a limited time ( until 2022-Feb-4th) I am sharing a few files relative to one of my GameGuru MAX projects : "Dangerous Trip in Utah".
Link on my " - Cloud" folder :

Files found in that shared folder :
Video HD (no sound recorded) showing a visit at full speed : The player is running 5 times faster than with its default speed, it is invulnerable and is able to climb on every cliffs. Size of that video : 628 MBytes = 2 minutes 20 seconds.

If you are one of the lucky alpha testers of GameGuru MAX then you could try the included level : "2022-01-04-terrain.fpm" = 11.8 MBytes.

The shared folder contains a few other files that could be useful to verify the required settings available in the "Terrain Editor" if the parameter "Display Terrain Debug Mode" is enabled in the "Edit > Settings > Developer" window.

That terrain was easily created with the free version of a nice painting application "Artweaver" ( ). The picture sizing 1024 square pixels was saved in .png format.
In that format the color "white" is the highest altitude and the color "black" is the lowest one.

Access to the shared folder is secured and anonymous.


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