Belidos, it is difficult to mislead the eyes of an artist.
And you are a good one.
Quote: "Do you mean GameGuru Max? I thought only .DBO .X .3DS and .FBX could be imported into classic"
I am sorry for having missed that "Max" (I forgot it probably because I posted my comment in the GameGuru MAX board).
Quote: "I know that happens with blender created objects, because blender uses Z up instead of Y up, but i didn't know it was an issue with models from other programs, that's an interesting bit of info there."
For the OBJ file generated by 480nm Studio, that is a more particular case : The scene appears as if it was seen on a mirror in GameGuru MAX. Perhaps that I missed some setting in the export panel of that application.
Quote: "looks like you have a lot of inverted normals in there"
I saw that problem later after having posted my comment.
In fact I wished to verify if I could obtain a nice transparency. But the selection of the parameter "Transparent" in the "Materials" settings gave that unexpected result.
And indeed I applied the same material to each items of the scene.
Quote: " but i've noticed that roughness and metallic in the surface texture really needs to be fine tuned"
I agree with you.
About my recommandation of the software Metasequoia for an architectural project like the one DannyD is going to start, I would like to further explain that choice :
A few months ago I found a link in GameGuru forum relative to a free collection of modern buildings.
I downloaded the FBX format of that free collection (normal price : approximately 100 usd).
It was a huge file (I don't remember exactly its size, but I thought "impossible to import such big mesh in my modeler".
Then I was glad to see that Metasequoia did a good job.
However I noticed that there were no materials/textures included with that mesh.
As far as I remember after having exported the mesh in a better FBX format with Metasequoia, the whole scene containing many detailed buildings was imported in GameGuru MAX (one of the very first alpha). But it tooks a long time to import the mesh because the amount of triangles was incredibly high.
2) GameGuru MAX imports the materials of a mesh exactly with the same names as they appear in the Metasequoia project ( please note that it is also available as a 64-bit application). Furthermore, you don't need to manually select the textures because they are also automatically loaded.
When you have a very large project with possibly hundreds of different materials, you could discover that manually adjusting the materials and their textures inside the tiny slots of the "Materials" panel of GameGuru MAX is a painful challenge (particularly when you have to compare those dummy names replacing those ones found in the project from where you exported the mesh).
(a note for the people who were interested by the car model : it was initially designed for another game engine working with DX9. I didn't take the time to create PBR materials, that's why the rendering with a fake *.surface texture is so bad in GameGuru MAX).