as you know many times the video games are linked to the physics working through the fps. To solve this, a scrip was created to make the player's speed not decrease at low fps, and at high fps the opposite effect does not increase too much. Well this in gameguru was before, since at 10 fps or 20 the speed never decreases always remained in the same, what changed were only the frames nothing more.
but it seems that something is wrong and now at 20 fps it is unplayable ganmeguru and gameguru max, ruining the whole game experience, the physics breaking and the player, goes at the speed of 100 goes at the speed of 30 or 40, depends on whether you have 20 or 30 fps. it is horrible to solve it please, there are videos on youtube like alva majo that explains very well how to solve it, just an example.
Game Guru - [mapbank_AƱos 60 parallel capitulo 2 principio.fpm_] - [Entity Editing Mode] 2021-10-10 16-47-33.mp4