My suggestion: for bet results try to think outside the GG stock box (stuff which is "supplied").
So smallg is directing you in the right way. (I never knew what ActivateIfUsed was used for!)
If you want to take control with a red-neck attitude like I basically do with scripting, you could
just have these enemies moved to the edge of the map when they are detained, (NOT destroyed)
and this will deactivate them, and if you want to be absolutely sure they are glued in place, you
could have them moved into a "jail" cell (ie say concrete box) and then move them with script back
to the spawn location when you pass by the spawn point. I would assume they would be plenty
aggravated enough from all that back and forth and ready to attack. This would be a little trick to it,
and a bit involved but worth the experience of self- accomplishment.
I see where you took bluemeenie195's help to offer this Destroy(AI) of previous task;
Maybe just move them instead so they can come back w/ Schwarzenegger?
function plrinzone_init(e)
function plrinzone_main(e)
if g_Entity[e]['plrinzone']==1 then
Hide(1) -- change the 1 to the entity # of the object you want to hide
---- Destroy(e) -- Try a SetPosition(AI#,999,999,999)
---- Injured? SetPosition back to your happy place!
--- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCLlwww-iy0