I want to be honest about the surface and vertices number I include in my store model descriptions. I am a little confused about the data reported to me by my modeling software vs that shown in the "x file" created.
Acd3 (modeling software) indicates one set of numbers, different from the numbers contained in the "x file". Acd3 works in simple 4 sided surfaces (Polys) but the "X" file converts all of the surfaces to 3 sided triangles (obviously a much higher number).
It appears that Max then converts the data contained in the "x" file to a new "Dbo" file that it then uses to replicate the model. The Dbo file is about half the size of the no longer used "X" file. (except in the fpe file).
Acd3 reports 881(surfaces/Polys) and 1274 Vertices
"x" file reports 3,524 Triangular Surfaces/polys and 6004 Vertices
Windows 10 creator,64 bit| Intel i7-7700 @3.60GHZ Quad|CPU PASSMARK 10,794|Memory 16GB |NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 1060|GPU PASSMARK 9,569