Product Chat (Early Access) / increasing map size and other fun stuff.......HOW ?

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Posted: 26th Aug 2021 18:03
hi again all you guys ,
been a while but I finally came back now and bought
Game Guru Max....
and some of the visuals are quite nice and game play is not bad at all
for the stage that its some help...of course........

1- how do we increase the map size..seems about a big city block only ?

2-how do we change the speed of the NPC...I know some are Zombies..
BUT......they should be able to go faster than corpses....I tried the FPE file
and played with the animation speed to no avail..tried same in the behaviour editor also.

Thx guys..

Let\'s actually make something happen with this one !
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Posted: 26th Aug 2021 20:30 Edited at: 26th Aug 2021 20:31
Cmon mate its a Development Build.
Have you not done any research before ordering.
The terrain is not actually in yet .. That is just a placement block.
The AI has only just been introduced and is still being worked on.
Right now you cannot do a lot with AI except play with what is supplied and that still has wires hanging out.
I would go back and watch at least the last 5 Live Streams to catch up on what has been happening in the Max World
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
GameGuru TGC Backer
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Posted: 27th Aug 2021 04:02
Thx Synchro ,
Ive watched just about all..but thx.

Let\'s actually make something happen with this one !
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Posted: 30th Aug 2021 10:47 Edited at: 30th Aug 2021 11:03
It's still pretty unfinished at the moment. But you can make a fairly big map, just not with terrain. The arrow I have drawn on points to the start marker so you can see the size of the player in comparison. Still getting mostly 60 fps even though it's fairly polygon heavy. It does slow down when you go beyond the normal borders allowed, but that is not a performance issue, that is just something weird

Not sure how it will go with enemies and such populating the map though, that is still unclear. Initial tests don't look horrible, but do slow things to about 40 fps (with 30+ zombies in same spot).
I forgot about the speed question. Not sure it can be altered as yet, but you can alter the behaviour while in game test mode.

It' still quite early though and this has only recently been added. I've not really trying playing with AI much as yet.
SPECS: Ryzen 1700 CPU. Nvidia 970GTX. 16 Gig Memory. Win 10.


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