Hello imothep85
I see you have a lot of ideas going on at the moment and that's great. I would be asking yourself the question why game dev, as part of the fun is making things work, I'm sure many would agree.
I never have a problem with seeing someone ask a question, however GG is framework, and what the end dev does with it, is your call to work it out, using stock options provided, doing your own thing or building on someone else project idea/scripts ect.
If too crazy or hard, adapt your ideas to counter this or think outside the box as they say, or build on structure that works for you.
What Amen is pointing out, in the land of GG, users tend to adapt basic options. This could be a number of factors, such as cost, time, what's available without learning or what options are available.
Now in saying that, I have dropped hints before about models users could use, I have still yet to see on the store, possibly some good money makers.
Though as I am not a modeler and have not much time to dabble in the fine arts of gg. My suggestion is to track down someone as a paid/freelance modeler and make a tram model with dynamic setup/door, much like the one used in the example video below and go from there. Video is purely to inspire, look forward to seeing more from users in this area.
Half life / Intro '98 example (many know this one, though just so you get the idea what Amen is hinting at)