Work In Progress / third person/platforming in game guru classic.

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Posted: 30th Jun 2021 14:07 Edited at: 1st Jul 2021 04:58
playing around with Game Guru's third person, locked the camera and added this to the tpp, thirdperson.lua

-- Third Person Perspective Mode
function thirdperson_init(e)
function thirdperson_main(e)

which, WELL turns the engine into a side scrolling platformer. which is super nice. thought i'd share the results here.

saddly, GameGuruMax wont be having any third person according to the devs during their live stream, think they said because their is no want or need or something similar but it was a while ago, but I completely disagree.

people WANT third person, I do for sure. ANYWAY here's the video, and some links to my game website of all the projects ive been working on!


a link to the youtube incase the video fails to upload here, (had some difficulites with uploading)

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Posted: 30th Jun 2021 17:20
Looks good, Casigus. I can't believe that there is no want or need for third person in Max. Oh well, stick to GG Clasic then, I know I will for a long time still.
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Posted: 1st Jul 2021 04:58
Hey casigus! A 2D plattformer where you play as a cat is something quite new Interesting project. Best luck with developing it.
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Posted: 10th Jul 2021 22:08
"A 2D platformer where you play as a cat is something quite new"

Yeah, good job.
I built a complete platforming script with all kinds of junk you do including anti-gravity beams, swimming, kicking down walls, throwing bricks, riding skateboard, etc but-- just stopped working on it because I simply hate to build the maps...
The good thing about this style is I think it's better suited to GG's delicate engine (memory).
I am pretty sure though I might incorporate that into my top down third person project for a 3 way multi- perspective game.
If classic doesn't break it all into pieces...

BTW, I will trade scripting work for a model of a pretty (not ugly) 4x4 atv...
science boy
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Posted: 13th Aug 2021 19:38
I like this mainly as it is different and good atmosphere and i love cats
Im 50 now aint a kid travelled the world been in terrorist bombing shot at near kidnapped. Have an audi a house a fiancee a cat and ex dj and promoter and now home Manager. Have a degree and lots of quals and this is actually all true

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