Product Chat / GameGuru MAX Live - Broadcast #44 Answers

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Posted: 19th May 2021 16:48
Hi All,

Here is the recording of today's broadcast:

And here are the answers I could not get to in the live chat:

Q> Will be made in the game guru control of equipment (cars and more). There will also be added a constructor of houses and not only (ready-made solution of objects, or ​make your own object, as well as equipment and weapons. And whether this is possible in the future in game guru)?
A> There are no plans to add control of equipment such as cars or weapons. We will provide some starting assets to help you make your first games but we expect you to visit asset stores and find the models you need for your game eventually.

Q> Magic is a key part of RPG games, what facilities will there be to create a world that can be either manipulated or affected by magic?
A> After we have got shooter game play perfect, we will be looking at RPG and Puzzle. The RPG element will include magic and other facilities to create typical RPG experiences. The specifics are not know as yet, but we would expect some basic control over different kinds of magic, their power and how they evolve during the game.

Q> Will you support Reallusion Character Creator 3 exports?
A> There are no plans to explicitly support exports from this tool, but we will be looking at it to see if there is a pipeline that will work with how GameGuru MAX characters are set up.

Q> Like the magic question above, will GG Max have particles?
A> Yes there will be real particles in GameGuru MAX, and you will be able to select from some pre-sets, and if you have the Particle Editor DLC from AppGameKit Studio, you will also be able to create your own from scratch.

Q> ​Can you carry weapons etc over levels?
A> Yes you will be able to retain your full player stats and inventory as you move from level to level.

Q> Can we have Daleks?
A> Alas, those guys are owned by the BBC. You would need to find one from a third party store and sneak them in

Q> Any chance to have some sort of "waterzone" to be able to paint water at hill height?
A> We are still working on some thoughts on the best way to handle the creation and editing of water bodies in the terrain, but it's an exciting time right now and I can hopefully reveal more on what we deliver when I am about ready to show you terrain.

Q> ​Can you affect the alpha in lua script?
A> There are no plans to expand the LUA command set to control the custom materials of objects. It could be something we look at, but it is not a priority right now, and if it turns out the application of the change has a performance hit, it would ruin the smoothness of games. There are better ways to make limbs disappear without modifying a material that has been pre-sorted for optimum rendering order.

Q> Will you make a winter demo for max?
A> There are no plans to make a Winter Demo for GameGuru MAX but we are designing the terrain system to support these types of landscape, and in theory, it would only take a few choices and some good terrain textures to create somewhere very cold

Thanks for all your questions, I will be happy to answer more next week, usually day and time, Wednesday 4 PM GMT on our YouTube Channel.
GameGuru Classic will continue to be supported with bug fixes and functionality additions.

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Posted: 22nd May 2021 00:31
@Lee, Please for the love of God, fix the terrain or disable it until you get to that part of the software. I continue to make the mistake of using the terrain stuff when trying out the assets. I rather have the terrain work instead of having assets that you cannot do anything with. Please disable the terrain in the next release if you are not going to fix it any time soon because it is so frustrating having assets fly around the map when you trying things out.
wizard of id
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Posted: 22nd May 2021 01:12
Quote: "@Lee, Please for the love of God, fix the terrain or disable it until you get to that part of the software. I continue to make the mistake of using the terrain stuff when trying out the assets. I rather have the terrain work instead of having assets that you cannot do anything with. Please disable the terrain in the next release if you are not going to fix it any time soon because it is so frustrating having assets fly around the map when you trying things out."

You do know it is alpha builds not even official builds or even beta builds as yet...Builds is currently for testing purposes and if you want to experiment a little.So it shouldn't be an issue at this moment anyways
Win10 Pro 64bit----iCore5 4590 @ 3.7GHZ----AMD RX460 2gb----16gig ram
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Posted: 22nd May 2021 03:38
Yeah, terrain is awful, but is not the terrain we will end up with (thank god). That is one reason why it is awful. We will have to wait for that. I have my issues with the interface, but overall, Max is looking, so far... so good

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Posted: 22nd May 2021 10:59
Installer seems to be borked again, either from updater or from trying fresh full install, just get these error messages installing to a D: drive:

HTTP download failed for file "Ð,Kâ", HTTP status: 0, Internal Error: "None"
HTTP download failed for file "`-Kâ", HTTP status: 0, Internal Error: "None"
HTTP download failed for file "à1Kâ", HTTP status: 0, Internal Error: "None"
HTTP download failed for file "pú.â", HTTP status: 0, Internal Error: "None"
HTTP download failed for file "°ü.â", HTTP status: 0, Internal Error: "None"
HTTP download failed for file "3â", HTTP status: 0, Internal Error: "None"
HTTP download failed for file "Ð Ð×", HTTP status: 0, Internal Error: "None"
HTTP download failed for file "à3â", HTTP status: 0, Internal Error: "None"
HTTP download failed for file "°3â", HTTP status: 0, Internal Error: "None"
HTTP download failed for file "€3â", HTTP status: 0, Internal Error: "None"

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Posted: 22nd May 2021 21:24
@wizard of id, Yes I know it is in Alpha build but Lee ran a contest last week. All I said is stop with the assets for now and start on the foundation (Terrain) without a terrain to put the asset on, it is not worth testing the assets or at least disable all of the terrain which can be done. I rather have no terrain setting at all than what we have now. Maybe Lee should put the terrain stuff in the development settings for those that want to use the broken terrain or a way to disable it for those that do not want to use it.

1. it bloats the software (GameGuru Max)
2. It becomes frustrating when you are try to enter a contest and keep hitting the terrain stuff
3. nothing flies off the map if you use the basic level as it is when you start a new level with grass (or without)
4. I rather enjoy testing assets without redoing everything over because I hit one of the terrain buttons. Lee has disable other things or at least put them in the development settings,

I enjoy beta testing a lot but the terrain need to be moved to development setting so those that want to play around can without worry about if the terrain is selected
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Posted: 22nd May 2021 22:06
Quote: " All I said is stop with the assets for now and start on the foundation (Terrain) without a terrain to put the asset on, it is not worth testing "

Terrain is being worked on in the background ..
I think you mean disable the terrain buttons. Without a base to stand on the player, models and all will just fall into oblivion.
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
wizard of id
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Posted: 22nd May 2021 22:37 Edited at: 22nd May 2021 22:38
Quote: "@wizard of id, Yes I know it is in Alpha build but Lee ran a contest last week. All I said is stop with the assets for now and start on the foundation (Terrain) without a terrain to put the asset on, it is not worth testing the assets or at least disable all of the terrain which can be done. I rather have no terrain setting at all than what we have now. Maybe Lee should put the terrain stuff in the development settings for those that want to use the broken terrain or a way to disable it for those that do not want to use it."

TGC is NOT doing any of work on the assets them self, they have pretty much relied on 3rd party artists to do their all of their art work as far back as the company has been around.In fact lee only does the coding aspects of the engine, maybe the occasional small level for testing and bug purposes, rick is actually the guy that commissions the artists to do the work for the engine he is also the guy that does the approval and testing of the assets.

So the actual assets have ZERO bearing on whether or not progress is made with features and the progress that is made with the engine it self, additionally considering assets form the basis of the product it self, most bugs related to rendering, collision, lighting ect is going to be based on assets. Having it done externally has the benefit of it being done in conjunction with normal development as a bonus it DOES NOT impact the development at all. I have been doing art for their engines for a very long time, doing the art in conjunction with normal development doesn't delay the release any further.

Considering the assets form the basis of the product and essential to testing of the product, it is pretty much a necessary aspect of the development of the product.

Quote: "1. it bloats the software (GameGuru Max)"
Nope, considering the engine doesn't allow primitive creation or other means of level building it has to have base stock assets to get you started with, it is how TGC works and have always worked and that is not about to change any time soon.This is neither unity or unreal, with that said even they have base assets included in their software.

Quote: "It becomes frustrating when you are try to enter a contest and keep hitting the terrain stuff"
This sounds more like a you problem then a tgc problem, it is simply a matter of checking what mode you are in.

Quote: "3. nothing flies off the map if you use the basic level as it is when you start a new level with grass (or without)"
I strongly disagree.You can do pretty amazing things with a flat terrain. As mentioned it is a alpha product you aren't suppose to be doing and thing concrete with it any ways as things will and can change.

Quick example of a level with just assets.
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Posted: 23rd May 2021 21:37
@synchromesh thank you for understanding what I was trying to say. I was asking was for the terrain buttons to be disable instead of getting blame (by wizard of id) telling me it my fault that the default is set on terrain button mode. WOW I did not know that I could not have an opinion about something. Excuse me for breathing, if the terrain is broke why have the buttons set as default. I am new to game make but now I realize that my opioin DOES NOT nmatter and told by a mod that it is MY FAULT for someone new to this and was enjoying test out this wonderful and great software to be blame on how he was using the software. Lee has asked for opinion but now I am keeping my mouth shut and maybe I will ask for a refund if this is how the community treats new people. WOW my fault on how I was using the software, really @wizard of id

P.s. @wizard of id THERE IS NOTHING TELL YOU THAT THE TERRAIN IS BROKEN IN THE ENGINE, so for a new customer you going to blame them for using terrain mode when it is set as default by the makers. WOW what a kind heart of helping
wizard of id
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Posted: 23rd May 2021 22:11
Quote: "P.s. @wizard of id THERE IS NOTHING TELL YOU THAT THE TERRAIN IS BROKEN IN THE ENGINE, so for a new customer you going to blame them for using terrain mode when it is set as default by the makers. WOW what a kind heart of helping"

I am not going to argue semantics again, it's an ALPHA product, by definition alpha means exactly that things aren't going to work exactly as intended and things are going to be broken.You were warned it IS a alpha product , I don't think the concept is particularly hard to grasp.

As mentioned by synchromesh terrain is being worked on in the background and can't be turned off as it will cause issues. If you physically know it starts default on which ever icon when you start out, whose fault is it not checking. If you make a mistake that is how you learn a new customer is probably going to learn that as well and move on, it is a good bet he will at least understand what alpha means?

You know what, you may not like the tone and being blunt, but after being TOLD already the product is an alpha product not even a official release, you still insist on complaining about a incomplete product, you can only be told so many times, before it gets annoying and frustrating.Now I probably assume common sense with regards to being informed, having read threads and the product page and numerous videos and the actual state of the software that their is going to be issues.

It can't be any more clear that it is a alpha product.... seriously...........I mean I am kinda dumb struck, that you are complaining about a incomplete feature and get annoyed when being told that.

I mean the definition is so defined and clear, TGC has no obligation to explain why the terrain doesn't work correctly, it is probably TGC's error expecting people would understand the concept of alpha.?

Quote: "

Alpha software is not thoroughly tested by the developer before it is released to customers. Alpha software may contain serious errors, and any resulting instability could cause crashes or data loss.[3] Alpha software may not contain all of the features that are planned for the final version.[4] In general, external availability of alpha software is uncommon in proprietary software, while open source software often has publicly available alpha versions. The alpha phase usually ends with a feature freeze, indicating that no more features will be added to the software. At this time, the software is said to be feature complete. A beta test is carried out following acceptance testing at the supplier's site (alpha test) and immediately prior to general release of the software as a product.[5] "

I hope this finally explains it and you understand what stage this product is currently in. If you have any further questions or some things is unclear to you be sure to ask, I am sure someone can assist.
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Posted: 24th May 2021 00:37
Quote: "I realize that my opioin DOES NOT nmatter and told by a mod that it is MY FAULT "

Where did i say that ?
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 24th May 2021 13:25
can we all just take a moment and welcome the new person, Hi Shadow Master and welcome to the forums.

@ Synchromesh i don't think he was meaning you, it was all at W of id.
@ Wizard of ID i know you have no time to sugar coat your words, but lets be nice today, i respect your work and efforts, i see your side as well and i have learnt never engage with you on any form of disagreement as it only goes one way. so shall we give new guys a chance to feel welcomed.

@ Shadow master, i do however think you were a bit O.T.T regarding your request. For the love of God is very dramatic. so maybe you could look at new ways to ask questions or requests. and as the guy's say it is very early in the day for the max engine- ( prefer that name to guru max) and so patience will be needed, a lot of patience, i waited 8 years to get an engine working which is now known as game guru classic, and that was a huge disappointment to me, but then they have this on the way and again patience is needed.

have a lovely day, may you all have something nice happen, and have a lovely tea

Im 50 now aint a kid travelled the world been in terrorist bombing shot at near kidnapped. Have an audi a house a fiancee a cat and ex dj and promoter and now home Manager. Have a degree and lots of quals and this is actually all true
wizard of id
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Posted: 24th May 2021 13:45
Quote: "@ Wizard of ID i know you have no time to sugar coat your words, but lets be nice today, i respect your work and efforts, i see your side as well and i have learnt never engage with you on any form of disagreement as it only goes one way. so shall we give new guys a chance to feel welcomed. "
Lol yeah it's true, but I would have an argument/discussion with you any time of the week, it will be engaging and interesting. . As I said to sync I am willing to do only so much hand holding after that you are on your own. I am turning 40 this year, I have finally grown into my grumpy old man/mid life crisis stage

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Posted: 24th May 2021 16:02
Quote: " I am turning 40 this year, I have finally grown into my grumpy old man/mid life crisis stage"

Still nowt but a youngen
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Posted: 26th May 2021 03:37
Turning 40 WoI, a distant memory here
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Posted: 26th May 2021 14:18 Edited at: 26th May 2021 14:19
Yeah i was born 1971 50 now. Pc's were a pipe dream. Now they are hand held, portable and home leviathans. No idea how much more powerful mobile phones are to a c64 i know a hell of a lot. More memory
Im 50 now aint a kid travelled the world been in terrorist bombing shot at near kidnapped. Have an audi a house a fiancee a cat and ex dj and promoter and now home Manager. Have a degree and lots of quals and this is actually all true
wizard of id
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Posted: 26th May 2021 16:29
Turning 40 WoI, a distant memory here

Lol yeah still, 15 of those years spend on tgc products, that is a teenager.....scary, I hope to do another 15. lol
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Posted: 26th May 2021 21:25
@wizard of id, You are right, it is an alpha build. I have cerebral Palsy (but just the learning and speech part of it), so it hard for me to explain what I meant. Okay, What I was trying to say was the terrain buttons should not be set as default for now instead the object edit should be set as default when you start a new level I am new to this Game building stuff and found that Gamegurn was easy to use and really enjoying test everything out in Max btw I am 43yrs old, so you are still younger than me lol Have a great day.
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Posted: 26th May 2021 21:56 Edited at: 26th May 2021 21:57
Quote: "What I was trying to say was the terrain buttons should not be set as default for now instead the object edit should be set as default when you start a new level"

Personally i would rather no functions were default when Max launched and pick what you want to do first.
But i think its linked to the terrain so those buttons are active on launch as soon as the terrain pops up
Same for Classic i think.
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 27th May 2021 03:06
If you can click on object mode in Max, which you can, then you can change the default setting for that. The code already exists. There shouldn't be any problem. I'm used to GG so generally select the option I want anyway, but for sure can't be hard to change. Might be an idea until terrain is properly added to be honest. Not to disable it, just to make the default setting set to entity while terrains are still WIP.
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