My side scroller was just an example. You could do the same thing with a 3rd person view, but not an easy job or anything like a beginner project. Whatever engine you decide to use you need to start a little smaller I think and work up to your big idea in steps. Default GG third-person is pretty limited and for sure without a lot of extra code not gonna make a beat-em-up with many moves. Even in TP GG is biased to shooting mechanics.
The side scroller I posted was written entirely in lua. No automatic stuff at all. I treated it like it was AGK or a similar language and just did everything manually. I may even get back to it when I have finished my current distraction lol.
It's possible for sure, but I would say it's pretty advanced stuff to make a decent beat em up in anything. I've played about with other similar projects, but don't have any videos of them at the moment. I'll see what I can dig up.
Edit - found this out.
SPECS: Ryzen 1700 CPU. Nvidia 970GTX. 16 Gig Memory. Win 10.