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Posted: 4th May 2021 07:23
Please pardon a probably totally dumb question from an 83 year old: re GG Max: how do I add a weapon to my character and what script is used? (I know its there somewhere - told you it was a stupid question),
Regards, Grandpa Mike
Old guy in a modern world

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Posted: 4th May 2021 10:14 Edited at: 4th May 2021 10:18
It depends what sort of game it is. For a standard FPS just add it to your start marker properties along with how much ammo you want them to start with. The player should automatically be able to pick up additional weapons in the game.
A bit old these days, but mostly okay. Making a simple game from scratch. For some reason it doesn't want to embed so just gone with a link.
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Posted: 4th May 2021 11:14 Edited at: 4th May 2021 11:15

embedded fine for me, i think you might have left the &t=3s timestamp bit on the end when you tried.
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Posted: 4th May 2021 12:20
Ah more than likely, will remember that one hopefully. Thanks for sorting it
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Posted: 5th May 2021 14:14
Thamks for attempted replies. Note that I am talking about GGMAX, not game guru as such - I cannot find any markers either, nor anywhere I can add a weapon to my characters...
Grandpa Mike
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Posted: 5th May 2021 14:41
as far as i know u have to edit the fpe, the line "hasweapon"
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Posted: 5th May 2021 14:52
For the markers type " start " in the object library ( Its temporary )
For max the weapons are in the properites of the start marker on the right.

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Posted: 7th May 2021 07:14
That helps to give a weapon to myself(the player) - but how do I give a weapon to the character I've put in the level?
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Posted: 7th May 2021 07:32
What "object library"? - GGMax gives a whole string of categories:characters, scenery, etc but there is no library as such. I don't see any start marker anywhere -or any other kind of marker for that matter. All of this was simple in GG - there were tabs for entities, markers, etc. There is also nowhere I can add a weapon to a character I have put in my game. GGMax is supposed to be easy to use, and like me, most of the purchasers of the final product will be ordinary people (like me) who don't want to, and cannot, fool around with all kinds of inner files. Surely there should be a simple way to find and load markers, and an easy way to supply a weapon both to yourself and to any character you add. There isn't. I think GGMax is useless and deeply regret buying it.
Grandpa Mike
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Posted: 7th May 2021 09:21
You have to remember GameGuruMAX is not released yet or anyway a finished product. It is still in the Alpha stages of development. You are able to us it as you have PRE-PURCHASED it, and able to download and test the early Alpha builds to see what is being worked on and see how the Game Engine is developing. So you can have you're say on the forums or on the weekly live streams of any features you like to see added or report any Bugs through the software. You are one of the internal testers now, so you get to see and play about with, what others can only see on the streams.
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Posted: 7th May 2021 11:49 Edited at: 7th May 2021 12:13
Quote: " I think GGMax is useless"

For making any games it is ..
Your getting Pre-Builds and its changing constantly.
These builds are for testing only and feedback for " Its hard to find Start Markers " is what they want to hear so they can rectify these things. That;s the whole point of testing Alpha Builds.
You Pre-Ordered Max at a discount price which is just a current promotion. Getting access to the Alpha build to test now is a bonus. Right now you cannot give weapons to enemy characters.
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Posted: 7th May 2021 12:29
@ Grandpamike
Synchro said:
Quote: "For the markers type " start " in the object library ( Its temporary )"

Just type "start" in the search textbox and press enter.
My suggestion is, you are best changing your mind about GG when working with GGMax, that way it is easiest to work with.
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Posted: 7th May 2021 13:27
Quote: "you are best changing your mind about GG when working with GGMax"

Did you miss the "from an 83 year old" bit?

I have trouble finding things in MAX and it's a bugger of a job resetting the muscle memory and I'm not quite a hexagenerian yet!
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Posted: 7th May 2021 13:35 Edited at: 7th May 2021 13:35
Quote: "Did you miss the "from an 83 year old" bit? "


Quote: " I think GGMax is useless and deeply regret buying it."

Thats why im trying to explain what he has pre-ordered the end product.
Not the Current test builds.
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Posted: 7th May 2021 16:30
This post has been marked by the post author as the answer.
Quote: "What "object library"? - GGMax gives a whole string of categories:characters, scenery, etc but there is no library as such. I don't see any start marker anywhere -or any other kind of marker for that matter. All of this was simple in GG - there were tabs for entities, markers, etc. "

In previous builds markers were in separate tabs, this is a new library system they have just added and it isn't finished yet, it's likely they will put tabs back in at some point, but you have to understand that right now this is not the finished product, this is a preview of the development of a new engine that isn't released yet, it's just for testing.

Quote: "There is also nowhere I can add a weapon to a character I have put in my game. "

Again, this is a preview of the development, they haven't started on AI yet, so things like giving guns to NPC's hasn't been added yet.

Quote: "GGMax is supposed to be easy to use, and like me, most of the purchasers of the final product will be ordinary people (like me) who don't want to, and cannot, fool around with all kinds of inner files. "

Nope, it's not. GameGuru was touted as an easy game creator and tthat has lead to all sorts of issues with complaints because they can't do X,Y, or Z without scripting. GameGuru Max hasn't been touted as an easy game creator, in fact Lee has been very careful about avoiding using that word because Max is a new advanced version of GameGuru which means that it will be more complicated than the original, they will of course try to make many things as simple as possible, but there are some things in game dev you just can't simplify without a budget of millions and a staff of thousands.

Quote: "Surely there should be a simple way to find and load markers, and an easy way to supply a weapon both to yourself and to any character you add. There isn't. "

There is, just type it in the search box at the top of the library, if you type start in there it will filter the list down to the start marker.

Quote: "I think GGMax is useless and deeply regret buying it."

Yes, at the moment it is useless, because it is not finished, you are not playing with a finished product, you are using an in development pre-release showcase alpha build that is not complete, it is only for us to see what they have done so far and test the parts they have added, you won't be able to make a game with it for a very long time.
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Posted: 7th May 2021 16:37
@ Grandpamike
Sorry, just start reading from the >I don't see any start marker anywhere> [i]post, to down.
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Posted: 8th May 2021 08:09
Actually I could have marked all of your replies as answers. Many thanks. Guess I will just have to get it into my 83 year old head that this is still a development build; One thing, I can for example get the start marker easily now - its in the game elements category, and so are all the other zones and markers. Great!
Thanks and regard to you all.
Grandpa Mike
Old guy in a modern world

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