Off Topic / Mars Helicopter

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Posted: 20th Apr 2021 15:14
Properly off topic, but I'm still amazed at the Mars Helicopter first flight success, so have been playing with a basic Unreal simulation.

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Posted: 21st Apr 2021 09:26
Hello Cybernescence,

Your simulation of that Mars helicopter is nice and realistic.
I see on the website of your indie game studio that you are busy with the finalization of a superb video game "The Cogwheel Chronicles" ( Congratulations !
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Posted: 21st Apr 2021 11:43
Thanks mikeven - well I'm hoping the game will be OK in the end, I had to move from GG to Unreal development, but still check-in here to see how GG Max is coming along and see what everyone is up to .

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Posted: 26th Apr 2021 23:56
" I had to move from GG to Unreal development"
Aha- nice. We might all think that occasionally. Glad to hear it's moving forward because I for one
have been wondering elusively about your very project!

Anyhow, I hear the Mars cyber-copter was reported by the native Martian underground as a UFO sighting.
Now we will probably never hear this news- on mainstream outlets, but it's almost certain that the
NASA drone projects on Mars will be required to cease and desist-- to avoid a full disclosure.
(We don't have the cloaking capability that the greys have.) What will Elon do now?
Haha- pokin fun. But vids look very good.
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Posted: 27th Apr 2021 11:45 Edited at: 27th Apr 2021 11:45
Nice video Cyber. Looks way more realistic than the 3d simulation they used to fake the drone flight at NASA.
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Posted: 30th Apr 2021 07:54
Haha - thanks guys, chuckled at both your posts
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