If suggestions @MAX are possible at the moment, a couple have been lingering around these necks of the woods... Right now, specifically for MAX. And if we are told "submit it to the online feature request", then sure that can happen any time by anyone who feels like it's important. But I don't have MAX (maybe soon?!)
Brushes like a variety of randomness, directional (trail) flattening, craters, etc. More brushes are kinda a traditional, common but useful suggestion.
Big one; Objects placed down stamp out the grass on their footprint;
In classic, you can have objects which flatten the terrain as they are laid down. How about checking a box, or setting in .fpe that the grass is erased exactly at the ground footprint that the object occupies. No more grass growing up in your buildings, side-walks, rocks, dinner plates or for you body fans- dead bodies, etc.
So as you can see, this is important for when we move objects around dynamically?!

IE, this would need to be monitored live (big ask + maybe resources I know). If too much, stick with static feature instead of no consideration. Though resources should be at a user-defined level-right? Nobody has to use such a feature...