HI Guys, ... Yes sorry the idea was to just get this under Lee's attention , not to force him to implement this, and then also get some other forum members feelings about this, Also i remember that a while back there were similar discussion on how to to something like this in Classic.
So when I saw this function in Max editor it reminded me that some members in the past was also looking to have something like this.
Also If anyone who reads this think that we need to put the request on GitHub then anyone is free to do so, that would be greatly appreciated.
The last thing i want is to Have members fighting over this.
Thank you GubbyBlips
Quote: "Yeah, but what about a couple threads for the whole forum to discuss-- open ideas?
Not for intentions to argue or vote, but just place down logical suggestions.
Therefore a forum level memory-bank?"
Thank you AmenMoses
Quote: "I agree that before pestering Lee with requests on GitHub they should probably get discussed here first though."
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