Product Chat / GameGuru MAX Live - Broadcast #37 Answers

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Posted: 31st Mar 2021 16:55
Hi All,

Thank you for those who wanted our broadcast today, here is a recording:

And for those who did not get their question answered in time during the live chat, here they are below:

Q> Any chance to get animated decals working on GGMax thru fx shaders?
A> There are no plans to support the old FX shaders, and the decals are likely to be completely replaced with the new particle system. Naturally animated quad objects will still have a place in the MAX universe.

Q> Will you make particles creator?
A> There will be support for particles you create in the Particle Editor (currently available for AppGameKit Studio).

Q> It is clearly demonstrated that GGMax can handle at least one million five hundred thousand polygons and still work fluently in editor mode and in test game mode.
A> I have not personally tried a 1500000 polygon model, but I am sure the community can confirm this

Q> Do you think you can keep this freedom of being able to choose as a user how many polygons you want to handle on your map?
A> Yes, there should be no unreasonable limits on what you choose to import. If that import slows down your frame rate, that's all part of games development.

Q> ​When you can buy steam?
A> There is no planned release date on Steam at this time, but we are intending to release on Steam for sure.

Q> What is the P!? pathfinding?
A> The secret of the P will remain so for a while longer

Q> ​So that's why I noticed a skeleton in the importer yesterday then is P for posing?
A> Alas, we cannot confirm or deny this speculation. P will be revealed in due course

Thanks again for all your questions, and I look forward to answering more next week!
GameGuru Classic will continue to be supported with bug fixes and functionality additions.

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Posted: 31st Mar 2021 17:43 Edited at: 31st Mar 2021 17:45
Quote: " It is clearly demonstrated that GGMax can handle at least one million five hundred thousand polygons and still work fluently in editor mode and in test game mode."

It is not a question, but just the introduction, the real question was..

Quote: "Do you think you can keep this freedom of being able to choose as a user how many polygons you want to handle on your map?"

Is just that the chat does not allow me to post altogether, and takes those as 2 questions.

Thanks a lot for the reply, great broadcast, and really nice goodies.

Edit: Adding data.
Laptop: Lenovo - Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 1005M @ 1.90GHz

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Nomad Soul
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Posted: 31st Mar 2021 18:07
Wow the new animation system looks fantastic. Amazing
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Posted: 31st Mar 2021 18:46
Impressive stuff Lee & Co.....
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Posted: 31st Mar 2021 19:03
Looking good
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Posted: 31st Mar 2021 19:53
Compare these two videos (@ time entered)
Does anyone else see the same guy?
Man in real life!

BTW, this is my old stomping grounds where I'd go hiking all over.
(then I found a wife on the other side of the country.)
Like wife- don't like V E R Y boring where we live now!
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Posted: 1st Apr 2021 00:04
the new animation importer looks good
lua guide for GG
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i5 @4ghz, 8gb ram, AMD R9 200 series , directx 11
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Posted: 1st Apr 2021 11:21
Imported this in the other day and found Max to look pretty good with it, although I couldn't change the anim for some reason, despite 3 attempts with Mixamo. Either GG is making him walk forward automatically or the anim is doing it. Probably the anim, considering the attempts to alter it failing.

SPECS: Ryzen 1700 CPU. Nvidia 970GTX. 16 Gig Memory. Win 10.
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Posted: 1st Apr 2021 12:48
Most likely you need to tick/get 'in place' animations from mixamo - they have both types often.

Looks pretty good!

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Posted: 1st Apr 2021 15:17
@cybernescence. Always do when using Mixamo, been making games (or at least demos lately) way too long to make that mistake Oddly I have saved 2 walks, an idle and punch which run fine in Mixamo. Exporting and then loading in Max had no effect at all. It is an odd one, but I can only guess the original model I downloaded has something preventing alterations, as it refuses to change from the anim provided with it. Only testing so not a biggie and thought I'd try something other than a makehuman or fuse model.

But nice to see Max running some fairly nice looking models. The only issue I spotted was that they are way too shiny, but I only had diffuse and normal textures included, so imagine that will have a hand in it.
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Posted: 3rd Apr 2021 16:36 Edited at: 3rd Apr 2021 16:37
one super ( almost ) addition is ,
when you have rain or snow working when i go inside one of my houses it stops and so it stops the process till you leave cover, brilliant, however is it possible to have it raining still when under cover but not on the object? maybe a no weather zone like the trigger zones etc. this would be much more realistic than weather that stops when going inside, however this was a fantastic and noted subtle addition.
Im 50 now aint a kid travelled the world been in terrorist bombing shot at near kidnapped. Have an audi a house a fiancee a cat and ex dj and promoter and now home Manager. Have a degree and lots of quals and this is actually all true

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