Product Chat / Installing MAX on D drive also creates GameGuruapps folder on C: Why?

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Posted: 30th Mar 2021 18:28
When I install Max program on D:\ rather than on C:\ The installation to D:\ is successful with no problems. Why does this installation always
create a GameGuruapps folder in C:\documents. This folder seems to include several folders already contained in the D: drive installation. Example: 1 folder contained in C:\documents\ GameGuruapps is mapbank, a mapbank folder is already included on the D:\. When working on a new map in MAX and then saving the map the saved map appears in the mapmank folder on "D" but not in the mapbank folder on C:\documents.

I would like to know if users, having installed Max on drives other than the default installation location also get MAX files installed to C:\ documents as "GameGuruapps". Is this normal?

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Posted: 30th Mar 2021 19:30
Im. With you on that. I have a very expensive ssd andni keep having to erase it on my c and ssd do not ware well to erase and over write over and over. This is destroying my hardware slowly
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Posted: 30th Mar 2021 19:31 Edited at: 30th Mar 2021 19:33
m2design, yes i have the same .
It looks like some stuff is entities that Max loaded in when i tried to load in Classic maps and other stuff is normal Max folder that also are in the installed folder.
If this is a normal function then i am going to have a big problem because my C:\ drive is a ssd and it only have a small amount of space in comparison to my F: drive , that means i will run out of space as soon as i am going to copy more of Classics folders in to Max's installed folder because then it is also going to end up in my C: drive.
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Posted: 30th Mar 2021 20:42 Edited at: 30th Mar 2021 20:43
It appears the default save location for map files is C:\documents\gamegureapps.

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Posted: 30th Mar 2021 20:49 Edited at: 30th Mar 2021 20:50
It does not just save map files , it also save other files also, This is not good.
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Posted: 30th Mar 2021 20:53
You can change the writable folder location in settings.
MAX needs a folder where it can write too without admin permission.

The folder structure is still WIP but you can change from the default write folder
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Posted: 30th Mar 2021 21:19
Perfect Response...
Works like a charm... Changed my default write folder to D:\GameGuruMAX\Files\mapbank
This may solve a couple of other problems for me.


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Posted: 30th Mar 2021 21:55
Quote: "You can change the writable folder location in settings.
MAX needs a folder where it can write too without admin permission.

The folder structure is still WIP but you can change from the default write folder"

Thank you.
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Posted: 31st Mar 2021 01:53
Thats been in the last 2 builds
You gotta check things out Lee might have slipped in
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