Product Chat / increase range of shotgun

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Posted: 18th Mar 2021 16:35 Edited at: 18th Mar 2021 17:11
Hi there,

I have a problem with Sci-Fi shutgun from Sci-Fi pack. Enemies with this type of weapon do not want to shoot from any distance except only one. The player can only be shot at very close range. But the settings in gamecore/guns/futuristic/FuturetekShotgun/gunspec.txt has string
"range = 2000" like pistols, which start shooting from a farther distance. You can see in the video what i am talking about. The first and the second enemy starts to shoot, when the player enters red zone, but the third guy with Futuretek Shotgun starts to shoot only if player crosses yellow circle near enemy. Breaking my head how to solve it. Any help is appreciated...

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Posted: 18th Mar 2021 19:54 Edited at: 18th Mar 2021 19:55
Wasted two hours for testing and got nothing useful. Tried three other shotguns with this enemy: one from modern pack and two from cybernoir pack. They are all shooting like "hell machine guns" from any distance. But Futuretek's behaviour is still looking like melee weapon manner, even after checking tons of gunspec file's settings. It seems to me, that a mystical secret lies in techniques of creating weapons in GG and something is wrong behind settings and it is hidden in DBO. Something that I cannot understand now with present level of knowledge...
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Posted: 18th Mar 2021 20:24
What are the settings on the character in the editor?

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Posted: 18th Mar 2021 20:28 Edited at: 18th Mar 2021 20:28
The Futuretek shotgun is from FPS Creator X10 which I believe was donated by the creator.
I will take a look but it could differ from the original stock weapons.
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Posted: 18th Mar 2021 20:57
Its a stab in the dark but its possible that the AI chooses firing distance depending on weapon type. If you change that to "5" (for rifle) in the gunspec you might get results.
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Posted: 18th Mar 2021 21:12 Edited at: 18th Mar 2021 21:20

@AmenMoses This is original file for Futuretek Shotgun with some changes : weapontype, damagetype, align, forward, disablerunandshoot and some commented variables
But I guess something hides in model, because i tried to copy settingsfromworking shotgun(modern pack) to this file and there was no effect... Besides of it, this weapon shoots ok with this settings if it is used by player.

@Wolf Tried it, but no result. Also tried values 1,2,3
Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 19th Mar 2021 08:15
What Amen meant was what are the settings for the character holding the weapon? If you click on them, go to properties, what script are they running? What's their viewdistance and viewcone set to?

Also, it's worth noting that even though the range of the shotgun is set to 5000, no enemy will see or fire at you beyond 1500 units (about 38 metres). This is a hard limit imposed by Game Guru's developers to supposedly aid performance.

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Posted: 19th Mar 2021 10:43 Edited at: 19th Mar 2021 10:51
Hey there Scanman
As time is limited with this engine, I was able to lock in a couple of minutes to take a look. Nice avatar
*Not sure if this is a free ggc asset or not, though Zip only includes a single VWEAP.x file
(use your original Texture/gunspec files)

1. Don't load/run ggc
2. Navigate to Files/Gamecore/guns/futuristic/FuturetekShotgun folder
3. Rename the VWEAP.x to (example) VWEAPog (or anything for future reference/editing/replacement, so not overwrite file)
4. Delete the VWeap.dbo file (new one will generate on Test Game)
5. Add the file found in the zip in this post; VWEAP.x to the above folder mentioned (place as a new file)
6. Run GGC and test your AI with weapon.

*Tested it once and works, though you will need to make adjustments for fire rates ect. and keep the original file for future reverting options/edits (always keep backups). When checking with the original file (non updated) creates your issue at 0 range also.

Also keep in mind what the other Members have mentioned above.
All the best


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