;weapon spec
;GUN Settings
muzzleflash = 9
muzzlelasertype= 1
muzzlesize = 100
;brass = 0
smoke = 1
damage = 60
damagetype = 1
;scorchtype = 3
reloadqty = 10
iterate = 9
accuracy = 100
range = 5000
damagetype = 1
weapontype = 5
; new
disablerunandshoot = 1
;// Brass System
brass = 0
brasslife = 300
brassangle = 0
brassanglerand = 2
brassspeed = 20
brassspeedrand = 2
brassupward = 0
brassupwardrand = 2
brassrotx = 300
brassrotxrand = 400
brassroty = 0
brassrotyrand = 0
brassrotz = 0
brassrotzrand = 0
; GUN HUD (0-colt,1-magnum,2-uzi,3-shotgun,4-rifle,5-rpg)
statuspanelcode = 3
;GUN Visuals
textured = gun_D2.dds
effect = effectbank\reloaded\entity_basic.fx
transparency = 5
poolammo = FuturetekShotgun
;GUN Sounds
sound1 = fire.wav
sound2 = reload.wav
sound3 = dryfire.wav
sound4 = retrieve.wav
sound5 = putaway.wav
fireloop = 0
;HUD muzzleflash position
horiz = 0
vert = 0
forward = 100
alignx = 2
aligny = -2
alignz = 27
;HUD animation frames list
keyframe ratio = 1
select = 1,49
Idle = 50,86
Move = 87,120
fire = 121,135
reload = 136,214
putaway = 215,235
;HUD sound frames list
soundframes = 5
sframe1 = 137,2
sframe2 = 216,5
sframe3 = 20,4
;AirMod Settings
nofullreload = 1
runy = -1.0
gunlagspeed = 10
gunlagxmax = 10
gunlagymax = 3
recoily = 35
recoilyreturn = 100
@AmenMoses This is original file for Futuretek Shotgun with some changes : weapontype, damagetype, align, forward, disablerunandshoot and some commented variables
But I guess something hides in model, because i tried to copy settingsfromworking shotgun(modern pack) to this file and there was no effect... Besides of it, this weapon shoots ok with this settings if it is used by player.
@Wolf Tried it, but no result. Also tried values 1,2,3