Product Chat / ... Is this a silly question? If Game Guru is completely bugfixed ...

Bob Humid [2021]
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Posted: 18th Mar 2021 01:58
... will I be able to "freeze" this version in my Steam-account in order to finish and export my ongoing unstable project (Sounds ob entities sometimes play, sometmes they don´t).

Or put in other words: Whenever the bugfree "Superversion" of GAME GURU Classic will hit our world. Will a new, and potentionally more unstable version, override as an update or can I prevent this?

I would love to be able to say with ONE STABLE version for a period of some months to finish a few projects and to be sure that if they suck its because I suck, not the GG-code!

But maybe I am just missing information and here and my question sounds ultra dumb?
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Posted: 18th Mar 2021 08:11
Quote: "Whenever the bugfree "Superversion" of GAME GURU Classic will hit our world"

Oh my lord, you just made my day, i haven't laughed that hard in ages!

There's no such thing as bug free, gameguru, and pretty much every piece of software in existence will always have bugs in some shape or form, and fixing those bugs will always introduce new bugs, that's the nature of programming, all you can do is limit the impact of the bugs.

As to the question, yes, you can "freeze" the version via the steam app, right click GameGuru in your list of software, select properties, then navigate to the "betas" tab and in there is a drop down menu where you can select your version, also if you want to stick to one version only you should turn off automatic updates in the same properties window.
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Bob Humid [2021]
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Posted: 18th Mar 2021 20:32 Edited at: 18th Mar 2021 20:52
Quote: "There's no such thing as bug free, gameguru, and pretty much every piece of software in existence will always have bugs in some shape or form, and fixing those bugs will always introduce new bugs, that's the nature of programming, all you can do is limit the impact of the bugs."

Geez. Thanx for the answer but, Alas.

I was born on the 13th of January of the year 1970, which makes me very much capable of knowning that there are always bugs - You don´t need to adress to me as I would also be dumb. I have programmed on ATARI 8-Bits and I have programmed a SIEMENS IC35 and I have prgrammed and am programming music on AMIGAS on STs, doing sounddesign for Native Instruments and others, mixing and mastering since always and ever on modern PC with ADDAs and I own a phalanx of Synthesizers, Samplers and whathaveyou. Yes, there is always bugs, but there is also GOOD code. My question wasn´t intended to entertain you. It´s completely obvious that complex software has bugs and it will be worse with 64-Bit code.
The question was O B V I O U S L Y heading at the announcement of Lee to issue a version any time soon this year, that will be free of all KNOWN and listed bugs in the DEV-zone. [ MOD EDIT: Keep your condescending choice of words off the boards please.]

Btw: The "OS" of some early homecomputers is quite bugfree interms of performing how they were intended to perform - if not near perfectly bugfree, but then quite so. Steve Wozniak, comes to mind?

Thanx anyway for the tip on Steam and archiving versions. I ll freeze that version when your posts as a reaction to the build seem to be the most benevolent ones. THAT one must be it then...

Addendum: I was not planning to "freezse" BETAS. I was meaning finished and polished versions. This should be a function in Steam IMHO.
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Posted: 18th Mar 2021 20:54
Quote: "Addendum: I was not planning to "freezse" BETAS. I was meaning finished and polished versions. This should be a function in Steam IMHO."

Turning off automatic updates should do the trick. However, there is still a chance that at some point you overwrite it by accident, need to reinstall or any such scenario. Here is what you can do: GG works independent of steam so you can just copy all of your GG files or just the relevant ones to an external HDD, disc, stick and so on. If you ever happen to update it by accident for whatever reason, you can roll back this way.
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Posted: 18th Mar 2021 21:05
'I was born on the 13th of January of the year 1970'

So a youngster.
Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!
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Posted: 18th Mar 2021 23:45
Quote: " I have programmed on ATARI 8-Bits and I have programmed a SIEMENS IC35 and I have prgrammed and am programming music on AMIGAS on STs"

I like you already
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
Bob Humid [2021]
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Posted: 19th Mar 2021 00:51
Quote: " [ MOD EDIT: Keep your condescending choice of words off the boards please.]"

Will do! But only if Belidos gets it´s daily banana! /.-D

Okokok.... I´ll stop already...
Bob Humid [2021]
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Posted: 19th Mar 2021 00:56
Quote: "'I was born on the 13th of January of the year 1970'

So a youngster. "

Yes, indeed. Due to my faster reflex and 2D-coordination as a 51 years old pixelfighter I can beat you in Yar´s Revenge any time of the day.
Bob Humid [2021]
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Posted: 19th Mar 2021 02:00
Quote: "I like you already "

10 POKE 622,1: GR. 0: POKE 82,0: SETC. 2,15,0: FOR X=0 TO 1000: ? " COOL! "; : NEXT X

Bob Humid [2021]
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Posted: 19th Mar 2021 02:02
Quote: "Turning off automatic updates should do the trick. However, there is still a chance that at some point you overwrite it by accident, need to reinstall or any such scenario. Here is what you can do: GG works independent of steam so you can just copy all of your GG files or just the relevant ones to an external HDD, disc, stick and so on. If you ever happen to update it by accident for whatever reason, you can roll back this way."

Thanx, Wolf! I completely forgot that GG Classic works independently of Steam, true...
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Posted: 19th Mar 2021 09:57
Might be best to not update once you have a project going - and just work in that closed ecosystem for that game so things stay consistent (and stuff doesnt get overwritten).
The engine is anxiety inducing to use longterm when you let it break itself in different ways as you go.

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