Product Chat / GameGuru MAX Live - Broadcast #30 Answers

TGC Lead Developer
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Joined: 21st Jan 2000
Location: England
Posted: 10th Feb 2021 16:31
Hi All,

For those who missed the broadcast, here is a recording you can find on our YouTube channel:

And here are the answers I could not get to during the live chat:

Q> We can change the DPI of the UI but can we change the text sizes of the UI for those of us with not the best eyesight?
A> Changing the size of the text is not a feature of our present design, but if more users require this as we go through the builds I am sure we can sort something out. Try changing the resolution and display scale of your OS as some combination might produce larger text.

Q> ​Does anyone know what 'cracking' means? I recently published a game on Steam and then found my game 'cracked' and a free download on a site. Can I stop them?
A> It is pretty tough to prevent someone from stealing your game these days unless you go to some lengths to add digital rights management, which then annoys all the legitimate owners. No real solution, but you can try chasing the site that is hosting the download and have them remove it.

Q> ​But how can it be ok to rip my game off Steam and give it away for free?
A> It is not okay, it shows incredibly bad form. Will these thieves stop us from creating stuff, never!

Q> Do you have discount for indians?
A> When we release on Steam I believe the pricing is regulated per country and so you might find a better price when we release on Steam in the future. Right now the pre-order price is fixed for UK, US, and Euro currencies.

Q> When a stable version will be available so we can create Games with no issues?
A> That would be when we release V1 of GameGuru MAX. We will also be releasing a free demo on release so you can check it out before deciding to buy, to make sure it works on your system and that you are happy with the software.

Thanks everyone for your questions, and I will answer more next week at the usual time, Wednesday 4 PM GMT on our YouTube channel:
GameGuru Classic will continue to be supported with bug fixes and functionality additions.

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Joined: 30th Aug 2019
Location: United States
Posted: 10th Feb 2021 16:53
Gah! I had forgot the stream was today and I had quite a few questions rolling around in my head. Might as well post them here just in case, but I'll try to catch the next one.

-Plans to support burst-fire weapons? (A single trigger pull fires 3 or other pre-defined number of rounds in quick succession, not all at once like a shotgun.)

-Any plans to separate the arms from the weapon viewmodel? (Basically, the viewmodel would just have the weapon itself then a standardized set of arm bones, then you can choose in the start marker what arm model you want to "apply" to those bones. Also it should be changeable via lua for when say, the player equips a different set of armor or chooses a specific skin tone, very useful for RPGs.)

-Will it be possible to create custom body types for the character creator? (Right now there is a male or female option, with the animations being adjusted for each. Could we add say, a fat body type with custom animations, or even unique alien/fantasy body types?)

-Will the projectile/flak system be upgraded to use the new particle system for trails, impact effects, etc.? (Also will it be made more intuitive to use? I can't seem to get it to work with custom projectiles whatsoever.)

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