In honesty, regarding the strike I don't care anymore, just a bit sick of the greed involved. I used to make sure I had rights to any tune I used, while watching other youtubers use anything they wanted it seemed. I make no money off youtube, unlike other said youtubers, if my channel is removed it is not an issue for me, more to peeps who find my tuts useful.
Quote: "it took you a few weeks to load some demos?"
One demo. I have (very) slow internet. Some stuff I had to leave overnight! Unreal has taken over my HDD, over 30 gigs in content so far

Plus the projects I have!
Still the only demo I loaded here was the western one, and even with that I added extra stuff (not that hard). The first 2 were custom, albeit with some downloaded or default assets. But that was sort of the point of the vid. Nothing in the vid required me to alter code. Most of the 3 weeks was watching tuts in honesty and waiting for things to download! I've actually got way further just playing about with things since. I'm still a greenhorn though

I'm not expecting Max to compete, just playing about with Unreal while I wait for Max to be useable

At the same time there's great lessons to be learned from Unreal. Max is currently real-time only. Fine, but baking certain things can be a great speed bonus and Unreal uses both extremely effectively. Max or GG would be crawling with the stuff I have added into my test scene. It's quite refreshing to be able to add stuff with no slowdown I can tell you

SPECS: Ryzen 1700 CPU. Nvidia 970GTX. 16 Gig Memory. Win 10.