Okay, you can look at a couple threads that where posted that relate somewhat.
To find player damage is easy. What kind of camera movement you personally want-- that's the uncertainty.
I'm sure both scripts I put down need some tweaking, mostly the 'weapon reload' camera
bobbing script because the g_PlayerAngX angles are oddly polarized.
optional addition@ line 54;
SetFreezeAngle(shaketime[e], g_PlayerAngY, g_PlayerAngZ + plryaw[e])
fix starting @ line 94;
--c_firstx[e] = g_PlayerAngX
c_firstx[e] = 15
c_firsty[e] = g_PlayerAngY
c_firstz[e] = g_PlayerAngZ
--c_scopex[e] = g_PlayerAngX
c_scopex[e] = 15
c_scopey[e] = g_PlayerAngY
c_scopez[e] = g_PlayerAngZ