Product Chat / [SOLVED] [GG] Any In-Depth Tutorial Avail. for Adding Custom Terrain Textures?

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Posted: 17th Jan 2021 17:29
Hi all,

Just started getting back into Game Guru again after a few years away, and am trying to get a new project started by creating a custom terrain, but the rules for terrain look a little different than I remember.

I found a useful chart here by OldFlak, but am not quite sure what the differences are from all of the slots, as many look exactly the same. Nor am I sure the total number of different textures terrain can have, or how every slot in this atlas corresponds to each other and why.

Also a little confused as to what the 5 1024x1024 textures in the same terrain folder are for if that terrain is already using a 4096 atlas, and how these smaller textures correspond to the larger atlas, if at all.

Is this easier to understand than how I'm seeing it, am I missing a useful tutorial link, or what?

i5 7600K, GTX 1060 (3GB), 16GB RAM

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Posted: 17th Jan 2021 19:55
Look in the doc folder in GG, you should see a pdf file with the needed info.
The best result will be when you use Prebens shader by adding a noise texture in slot 15 so you won't have banding.
If you are going to use custom textures, you'll need a diffuse with a roughness inside the alpha channel and of course the normal texture.
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Posted: 17th Jan 2021 23:55
Quote: "Also a little confused as to what the 5 1024x1024 textures in the same terrain folder are for if that terrain is already using a 4096 atlas, and how these smaller textures correspond to the larger atlas, if at all."

The atlas textures is generated from the smaller textures. If you changes some of these textures, say you want to assign a new rock texture to your set, delete the 4k texture and a new one will be generated when you use the terrain.
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Posted: 18th Jan 2021 09:03 Edited at: 18th Jan 2021 09:34
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The 16 textures can basically be anything you want. They work best if they are similar as they progress in each slot as it helps to minimize banding if\when you paint certain areas. Although you can use various means to try to hide it.

The texture in the first slot acts like a separate layer, and paints over the top of the other textures, rather than blending with them. So you can use it for paths for example, as it does not get the banding issue.

The chart I posted shows what textures are used to create a variation effect (see legend at bottom of that chart)
So you can put a variation image in slot 15, and when you do that, it will use the textures marked with stars to create the variation effect. With the right textures it can look really nice.

This Toonland Sandy Fields scene shows how the terrain looks when using the textures in that chart

Whenever you load one of the older terrain sets (in TabTab mode) GG will create the texture atlas from the 5 separate textures in their respective folder. When you hit the terrain paint icon (Editor) you can see how it has placed those textures in the 16 texture pallet in bottom right corner.

When you create you textures:
- the _D should be a PNG 32 image, as it needs to have an Alpha channel, which controls how wet it looks.
- the _N file for each texture should be DDS (no alpha required)
- GG will convert and pack them into the atlas as you add them to the pallet


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Posted: 19th Jan 2021 13:58 Edited at: 20th Jan 2021 22:47
Hi everybody,

Thank you to Wolf and to OldFlak for the useful informations provided in this important topic.

It inspired me to write a small program with Dark Basic Pro.

Edited on 2021-01-21 : This is a second version of that small program with which the alpha transparency is correctly copied in the big image.

This is the link to Movavi Cloud (secured and anonymous access, available during 30 days) to a small video (downloadable, 32 seconds, 9 MBbytes, HD) showing the workflow :

Personally I could use this kind of large bitmap not only for GG terrain mapping but also to create UV maps for houses and buildings (or any other mesh compatible with this kind of uniform textures).

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Posted: 19th Jan 2021 18:58
Thank you guys for all of the help. Very useful, and am good to go now!
i5 7600K, GTX 1060 (3GB), 16GB RAM

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