Product Chat / An Idea: In-Game-Cutscenes in GG and MAX

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Posted: 27th Dec 2020 05:37
Hello GG-Community,

Would it be a nice feature, when we could make custom cutscenes for our games?

Is it possible somehow, to make "fly-by" movies via the editor? I actually make my cutscenes with a
videoeditor, but this is really uncomfortable and time intensive.

Does someone have an idea, how this could be done?

Best Regards,
Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 27th Dec 2020 09:58
All I'll say is, "stay tuned"; I'm collaborating with someone on something that you'll find very useful in that regard

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Posted: 27th Dec 2020 15:15 Edited at: 27th Dec 2020 15:16
It's entirely possible to make fly by scenes using Lua, in fact one of raveys old official videos showed how to do it, and that was recorded years ago before we had as much control over the camera as we do now.

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Posted: 28th Dec 2020 04:48 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2021 06:16
With Lua you can do this with operating the camera commands. The camera controls are all listed in the global.lua.

Camera controls allow you to pan, zoom, tilt, truck and even follow entities as points of interest. You can even have it switch cameras. Lots of fun things you can do all in Lua.

Update: If you don't want to get into coding, you can pick up Director Studio on the Game Creator Store. Its also compatible with Game Guru Max. Its for more basic camera passes. If you want to get more in depth with character cinematic and camera based nodes you should check out CineGuru.
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Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 29th Dec 2020 17:37
@SkyWolf_89: Sounds like you make your cutscenes in a similar way to me. I have just made a video about how I made mine, maybe it'll give you some inspiration. Make sure you watch to the end, you might find the little teaser very interesting.

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Posted: 29th Dec 2020 19:29
Oh wow !

That should be a huge help for all of us Avenging Eagle and Amen Moses.

Thank You !
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Posted: 30th Dec 2020 09:31 Edited at: 30th Dec 2020 09:40
Thanks guys.
I will watch eagles video now.


That´s an amazing work!
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Posted: 30th Dec 2020 10:10
Thank you to Avenging Eagle for his great video.
In some softwares there are specific tools to record multiple camera animations.
A good example is the "animation assistant" available in Vue (e-on).

Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 31st Dec 2020 05:05 Edited at: 31st Dec 2020 05:17
@ AE

Very nice Machinima work, and a very informative video.

Thanks for sharing.

Quote: "...maybe it'll give you some inspiration..."

It definitely reminded me of my old FPSC machinima interests that I would love to re-explore with GGMAX/LUA.

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Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 29th Jan 2021 19:34

If you're still interested in making cutscenes/cinematics in Game Guru, Amen and I have now finished and released our new pack of tools, Cine Guru, which is available on TGC store (and for the next 7 days, there's a 20% discount!)

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Posted: 30th Jan 2021 18:32
Just got your guys system last night. (so haven't used it yet)
But it sure looks like some pro work went into it and it will
be THE Prime go-to tool for such endeavors.

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