Quote: "Since Oculus now requires you to connect to a FaceBook Account "
That is pretty much all they have, and its not much against his financial resources considering the corruption of politics.
I'm betting this is just a slap on the hand if the right palms get greased, because that requirement is nothing more than the crap they gave Bill about IE being packaged with Windblows.
Look at the way Apple requires developers to use their hardware to develop software for their stores.
Not much difference, and Facebook is doing nothing worse than they have done and are still doing, so he is not going to be shut down, FB or Occulus in my prediction.
The real concern is not monopolization of a VR industry, but rather the data mining.
The virtual reality data from FPS games can be used for real life military purposes. (the US and Germany are all too aware of the threat)
Disarm the humans, then unleash the bots.
Think Terminator/Elysium Police (but wheeled units not legged for the first gen stuff) not only with the mechanical advantages of the steel and hydraulics, but programmed with the tactical battle data from the best VR FPS players in the world.
Welcome to the 21st year of the 21st century!
It's a beautiful time to be alive! (enjoy it while you still can, so get your game on)
My VR plan as a player for this new historic year is...

1) get an Occulus Quest 2
2) dominate the FPS genre with it
3) Have my battle data used for a bot army
4) Control the human population to prevent Earth's destruction
That is the plan... (at this point...in theory)

Oh yeah, I almost forgot...
5) Develop a double burst weapon for use against bots to be the last human survivor of the bot wars.
(first burst -grenade launch to blow apart any lead shielding, second burst - Low level Electro-Magnetic-Pulse (EMP) to disable the unit(s) in that area)
Whew, don't want to forget that one.
FB & OQ2 are the sources of the data... who in the world is the recipient?
i7 - 9750H - 12 CPUs
16gb RAM
THX Spatial Audio
Windblows 10