So. If you are using the mouse in your game. When pausing, the mouse will copy the cursor img, and deactivate the mouse when a player resumes the game. This happens in standalone
Not sure if anyone wants to know the fix for this. But all you have to do is..
Fix for deactivate mouse : in gamemenu.lua .. remove the DeactivateMouse() at the vary end.
I have not tested this, but you might need to activate mouse still when unpausing. I already put this in place so did not test without it.
fix for copy of the mouse img : in gamemenu.lua .. Add this to script: SetSpritePosition(your_mouse_cursor_sprite_name_that_you_use_in_other_scripts,200,200)
All though you could just remove the code that creates a new mouse sprite and just use SetSpritePosition on your old one... derp, im still playing around with it but hopfully this spreads some light on this.. you have to play around with the menu scripts to fit your game.
Sidenote: This means that when the player pauses the game, the variables from other scripts on the level are still active