I started this thread in response to this Q\A on Live Broadcast #18
Q> Decals working in GG Classic suppose to work in Max?
A> We may need to perform a conversation on any 'decal entities' from Classic as they rely on a shader that will not exist in MAX. We are aiming for good backwards compatibility and if decals prove to be an essential element to many Classic projects, we will find a way to keep them animating under the new graphics engine.
So thought it might be good to discuss our usage of aminations in Classic, (edit - and any features you would like to see in the engine)
- This thread is not intended to bag TGC for not having this functionality in Max (yet!)
- It is intended to give Lee and Team a good reason to do the hard yards in getting similar or even better functionality into Max.
So if you have anything to add please do so. Pics and videos may help the cause
So lets get to it then!
A Case for FX Shaders
Effect Scroll
The effect_scroll shader is such a versatile shader that can be used for many things.
For example, I use it to animate force fields, flowing substances, security tape banners, and other things. It is a simple way to make a static object come to life.
Decal Animate
This of course allows for more complex animations,
For example I use: it to animate computer screens, portals, waterfalls,
- decal_animate4 - - (an edited version that just slows it down) for animating computer screens.
- decal_animate8 - - for animating portals
- decal_animate64 - used for water falls
In my maps I use fx shaders a lot, it is a simple but effective way of getting life into a level. Now if the Team can come up with a way to get these working in Max, or perhaps an even better way of getting similar results - I think it would just make Max awesome!
Suggestions in this thread so far:
Customizable Dynamic Shader -
Video Textures -
Avenging Eagle
Decals - Specify frame rate and specify random frame start -
aka Reliquia
i7-4790 @ 3.2GHz. 8GB Ram. NVidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB. M1: Acer 31.5" @1920x1080 M2: Samsung 31.5" @ 1920 x 1080. M3: Acer 24" @ 1920 x 1080. OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit Insider.