Hi All,
I hope you enjoyed today's live broadcast, and for those who missed it, here is the recording on our YouTube channel:
We had plenty of questions this time, and not enough time to answer them so here they all are again in their spell corrected glory:
Q> Is there any chance of fireweapon(e) having the hardcoded parts removed? (Fireweapon has specific angles and distances at which it will actually fire, and you can't specify a position for friendlies!)
A> There are no plans to substantially increase the number of LUA commands for MAX, but we may add some additional settings so enough flexibility exists to allow your AI characters to behave as you would like them to with respect to firing.
Q> A bunch of Game projects are delayed because of bugs that were added in the latest gameguru classic update. When will these bugs be sorted out? I am asking for more than one person here?
A> You can always revert your version to the build before the latest one. You can also report the new bugs found in the Issues Board on GitHub so we can look at them for our Christmas Fixes update.
Q> Will the DLC characters shown be dismembered for the character creator?
A> The characters from the third party artist DLC have been specifically designed to work with the Character Creator, so you CAN swap body parts when you get your hands on the DLC.
Q> How was your week so far?
A> My week was very productive, thank you!
Q> Can we share particles made with the particle editor on the GG forums?
A> You are best asking the author of the Particle Editor, but I think providing you are not just shipping his templates into the forums, I think he would be okay with it (best to ask though)
Q> What progress has been made on the grass? Can we see it?
A> No progress on grass code since last week, we are looking at a technique to use for the grass movement. There have been numerous suggestions for the functionality, and once that is decided, we can commit to coding something we can demo.
Q> is GameGuru max free?
A> No, GameGuru MAX will be $49.99 when released based on our current plans.
Q> A few people have been really useful for the whole community in the past. People like amenmoses who brought us particles for example. Currently, github is closed to everyone. A lot of people have questions regarding the locked github. It's kind of a waste of time because people are not able to add fixes and features. Is there a particular reason? It's also questionable to just lock everyone out of github who has been contributing major improvements. Just a thought from a few community members
A> I have just checked and the Classic repo is not locked and available from here (https://github.com/TheGameCreators/GameGuruRepo). We have kept the MAX repo private of course as we are still working on the innards of the product.
Q> I remember the character creator in 'classic' was seriously lacking in body parts.I enquired whether more parts would become available as DLCs and was told no because the feature was experimental?
A> Since Classic, we have improved the character creator and intend to make it easier for artists to create their own body parts, and of course allow third party artists to sell character creator compatible body parts (such as the Space Marines you see at the start of the recording above).
Q> The Bethesda Tools i use limit you on how many terrain textures you can use in a "cell" . Might be how they optimize their maps or even prevent their level designers from using too many textures.
A> Yes this is related to the material-lookup technique they use for terrain performance. GameGuru MAX has done a different way and using virtual textures to allow the user to paint literally anything they want on the terrain. Time will tell if large terrain texture files are worth the trade-off.
Q> How is the VR progress going (updates on visuals, movement, weapons handling (reload, changing weapons)? Has it been tested with other headsets apart from WMR?
A> No new VR interactivity pieces to share right now, but we have extended our hardware to test for more devices including the Steam Index and the new Oculus Quest 2 which has the Oculus Link feature and good support for OpenXR.
Q> Is the weather components toggle-able via Lua?
A> If there are no commands for this already, feel free to push for this when you see a broadcast touching on the new weather implementation as I think it important to be able to control the weather within your level.
Q> Currently the library browser doesn't like sub-folders in the users folder, you can't drill down into them with it.
A> Sounds like an easy bug to fix, something to deal with once the major items are in place.
Q> Decals working in GG Classic suppose to work in Max?
A> We may need to perform a conversation on any 'decal entities' from Classic as they rely on a shader that will not exist in MAX. We are aiming for good backwards compatibility and if decals prove to be an essential element to many Classic projects, we will find a way to keep them animating under the new graphics engine.
Q> Will game guru max release on time?
A> We have retracted the deadline of December 2020 in favour of an open-ended release date. This allows us to focus on product quality above arbitrary release dates. It is not a decision that will please everyone, but the team feel we have a chance to create an excellent product if we give ourselves the time and resources to do the idea justice.
Q> Xbox controller support?
A> No plans for additional controller support, though we do have basic support for XBOX controllers and some variants of the same.
Q> Any change in copying a part of the map ( terrain ) and paste it in a different place on the map
A> Yes indeed, a big change. In Classic you could not do that, in MAX we are aiming to make this possible. The old 'Store Level' mode will be replaced with a new 'Copy and Paste' feature so you can select a chunk of terrain, then copy it to another location. Should save a lot of time if you want to re-use a mountain you've spent 2 hours sculpting
Q> Are the lua apis for GG classic is same or different for GG MAX??
A> Yes they are the same, and there are no plans to update to the latest LUA so we can keep backwards compatibility as much as possible. Once we are underway with the MAX release, we can look at the advantages of bringing LUA API to the latest release version.
Q> Will GameGuru Classic dlc's transfer over to max?
A> Yes you can manually copy over the files, or even better, dump all the assets you want into a level, save that level in Classic, then open that level from MAX. MAX will detect the missing entities and copy them over to MAX and convert as necessary. Most of the official DLCs for Classic have a sample level that contains all the assets for that DLC so the process should be simple.
Q> Sorry if you already answered this, I just logged in. I am getting a 8003 error from the Beta of MAX?
A> You will find the early dev builds will occasionally produce these types of errors. If you find them frustrating, we recommend you avoid builds for a while and wait until we are further along the development process when bugs will be few and far between.
Q> Will we be able to test VR part of the game without a VR? ?
A> You will certainly be able to test your game in a non-VR scene, but the only way to test the VR controller interactions, movement experiences and interactions is to have a VR capable system. Our advice is that if you do not have VR, don't mark your game as VR friendly as there is a quite a world of difference between a great VR game and one that has been quickly and crudely ported from a non-VR experience. VR is still early days, and I think we will all be learning much in the years to come.
GameGuru Classic will continue to be supported with bug fixes and functionality additions.