Sounds like you are loyal and dedicated to GG.
Nobody else here will tell you this:
You need to worry less about getting models and the details of your campaigns and
MORE about the capability of the engine you decide to work with.
I feel like you are at the base of an immense mountain looking up in awe at the climb.
Sure, keep trucking on with classic, but only when (if) MAX or something else comes
out will these projects with the features you mention be viable. Gut- feeling.
One of the biggest drawbacks is the 32 bit memory cap. Look at released GG games to
get an idea of how they are received from the general gaming populace. As much as it
seems like GG is the answer, for a one man team with no scripting or modeling
experience, it starts you at the same spot as the robust tools, but with a weaker set.
I barely know scripting and don't know modeling whatsoever, but with a lot of tinkering
I manage to get some kind of scripts going, and purchase models. I have been in GG for
around two years, with thousands of hours crunching in the GG kitchen. But I haven't
baked that great feast- or even a good cake yet! Do I want to-- ABSOLUTELY!
The only simple fact is that the UI is much easier to glance at and recognize, and there
are indeed ready to employ weapons in GG. That's the #1 advantage to GG.
The AI is minimal, the visuals can be pretty good with effort, so happy game making!
(simple, free advice.) Don't drop the project because GG is a good first learning portal.
Keep it up, and port over when GG TRANSFORMER finally transforms!