Found this site and they have Free Models so thought I would try a few, quite a lot are Purchase Only but there are a few
Free ones here and there. So To the Issues some have way to many Vertices like 96666 etc, but some will work once you
put them into Blender and use as modifier tool to reduce.
So anyways this is my Issues with this Free Model > Old scout Soviet bot "E-walking-44"
Artist ( Groccel )
Link to download files
So to get
3W44 Scout Bot into GG Classic I had to import the .fbx file into Unrap3D Pro 64 ( Added the texture Files) Then you save file not export in Unrap3D Pro 64 as .x format to be able to import into Fragmotion.
For some reason It wont work right using Blender.
First fix was easy > the Bots number
3W44 the text was the right way round and not reversed as it needs
to be so I fixed in PS as added the updated texture .
Now to the main Issues
First Issue the Look of the texture in GG is does not show as PBR no matter what I change
the name of the textures too, they are flat and not shine or definition in GG. See Attached Pics
6 &
Second issue is the Eyes if you look at the Head Alberto Texture > Pic no
8 Attached
It does not show any eyes showing. This is because there is an Emissive Texture with Green Eyes Pic
Attached but no matter what I have done they Emissive layer will not work in GG, it just shows black no eyes.
They only way I could get they eyes to show was Layer the Emissive eyes texture over the Head Alberto Texture
Eyes box part see Pic
10 attached.
So I tried to mod an Emissive layer material eyes section in Blender (See Pic
11 Attached)
But all that happens in GG is a white box show in that section area.
Any help with the Emissive layer material Issue & the PBR textures Not working would be a great help
Thanks in advance