Alright, thanks for the tip. I rearranged how the sheet is loaded, (sometimes
thinking is imperative!) -- from after setscale, speed and alpha to before that.
BUT whether that is totally important I don't know== it seems that you
must always close down and reload GG for a new sheet to load up and
test-- which is a time consuming step. Any way to get away from that?
So- I was testing all different stock sheets thinking my sheet was bad,
**none of them loaded** - until...
but after a RESTART of GG, it loaded.
--local imageFile = imageFile or ParticlesLoadImage( "effectbank\\particles\\" )
--local imageFile = ParticlesLoadImage( "effectbank\\particles\\" )
local imageFile = ParticlesLoadImage( "effectbank\\particles\\" )
function fountain_emitterleft8_init(e)
pressed[e] = 0
doonce[e] = 0
end -- init
function fountain_emitterleft8_main(e)
if doonce[e] == nil then doonce[e] = 0 end
if doonce[e] == 0 then
doonce[e] = 1
ParticlesAddEmitterEx( 1, 1, 1,
0, 13, 0, 0, 17, 0,
7, 11, 22, 28,
-0.08, 0.3, -0.08, 0.08, 0.6, 0.08,
-0.1, 0.1, 4000, 6000,
60, 95, 11, 22,
26, e, 0, imageFile, 64 )
end -- spawn emitter @ ID = 1 // doonce //
ParticlesSetScale( 1, emittpower[e]/5, emittpower[e]/4, emittpower[e]/3, emittpower[e]/2 )
ParticlesSetAlpha( 1, emittpower[e]/3, emittpower[e]/2, 0, 20 )
ParticlesLoadImage( "effectbank\\particles\\" )
end -- main