Hi All,
For those who missed the live broadcast and chat, here is a recording of the video, and below I have provided answers to all the questions asked during the live chat:
And now your answers:
Q> How far will the charactor creator go and will there be a form of logic system and if yes how advanced will it be?
A> The version of the Character Creator you will find in Alpha Build 1 will be the one we release for MAX, no significant additions to the system we have right now. For more information, check out the previous sneak peeks and live broadcast recordings.
Q> Are the textures PBR in the new tool?
A> The textures you use in the new tool will be mapped to a virtual texture when you paint them down, and the whole terrain will be rendered with the Wicked Engine renderer which is nothing but PBR. We see the importance of some surface details when painting terrain down, but we want to see it in action before deciding how much surface detail to paint (i.e. can normals be autogenerated to reduce virtual texture storage). Watch this space, but we will be ensuring the terrain has the same PBR quality as the other assets in your scene.
Q> The new texturing system is worth buying it again already!
A> We took a lot of feedback from the first terrain system, and have a good handle on what is needed for users to go to that next level.
Q> The new painting system seems massive good work Lee... seems you this time really want to give us something great like GG itself and GG community deserve...
A> Yes indeed, our community have demonstrated incredible patience over the years, and we hope MAX will deliver on some very long standing expectations.
Q> Please add more "undo" steps.. not only one.
A> The Undo System we have in mind will capture a series of steps from the painting activity, so several mistakes can be reversed. We will not be storing undo history with the level, so the moment you save your file, leave the software and relaunch/reload, the undo buffer is cleared.
Q> I wonder if this allows destructible terrain. craters etc
A> There are no plans for destructible terrain or craters, the terrain painting is done at edit time and them compressed as virtual texture files for last and efficient rendering. You could achieve some dynamic effects such as making a decal crater texture visible using an entity, but this will not be part of the terrain system.
Q> What's the bone level details how many can be added. eg animal bone support?
A> My 'current' understanding is that the Wicked Engine animation supports only four bones per vertex, but you can still do plenty with this limitation and if you are a 3D modeller, creating animals and importing them is no problem.
Q> Blueprint system?
A> There are no plans to reproduce the Unreal Blueprint System in GameGuru MAX. For now, we use LUA scripting which is a relatively easy script to learn and gives you a huge amount of in-game functionality for those willing to do a little coding.
Q> Sweet terrain textures. Plus show multi-vegetation for our vegitarianarians? When is this video related Alpha released?
A> Multi-veg (i.e. grass) will happen after the terrain painting is complete and performant. The next alpha build will be based on the version you have seen in the live broadcast, so watch this space for an announcement of it's release.
Q> Will GGMax have a proper grid and snapping system similar to other 3D programs?
A> We plan to retain the grid system in Classic which used a fixed grid and a clever snap mode which detects the bounding boxes of entities to magnetise entities together, though we will be allowing the fixed grid to be adjustable so you can bring in different models that use a different grid dimension.
Q> I have a quest ... Will i be able to sideload to use it ?
A> You can use the Oculus Quest Link system to connect your Quest headset to the Oculus Main Software, and use the OpenXR runtime available from Oculus to play GameGuru MAX VR content through your Quest.
Q> How easy will it be to import animated characters, and set up their animations?
A> Thanks to AssImp (Asset Importer), we will have access to most of the data from a model, including it's rigging and animation, and we have already had success with X and GLTF models coming in rigged and animating. For animation setup, we will be using an animation stack system so you can bring in only the animations you need for your model, and then use LUA scripting to play those animations as you require. For MAX we will be leaning towards less hard-coded behavior and more exposure of the logic via scripts.
Q> When is the next alpha?
A> No confirmed release date, but definately this month.
Q> Why was gg classic github locked
A> Just checked and it is still there (https://github.com/TheGameCreators/GameGuruRepo). We have moved the Wicked Engine version onto a private thread while we do the development of course.
Q> Shouldn't the grid be set to powers of two, not set to 100?
A> With manual adjustment of the grid dimension, you can set a power of two if you need this.
Q> Will we get a vertex snap?
A> No plans to add vertex snap to MAX, only overall boundbox snap per entity.
Q> When is multi- veg premiered?
A> We will be able to reveal multi-veg grass painting once we are happy with the terrain painting. The grass painting does relate to the terrain in that the grass positions are stored in a similar way to the terrain texture detail, but more will be revealed when we have a prototype to play with.
Q> You gonna add a better AI?
A> There are no plans to add additional AI to GameGuru MAX, and instead keep the scripting system open so you can add your own AI logic for your games. We will add scripts as required to improve out of the box behaviors, but there is no significant additions planned.
Q> Can we get a projectile script to attach to objects, e.g. Canon balls or arrows so we can see the projectile launch fly and land please?
A> There are no plans to add projectile scripts to attach to objects, or to produce cannon balls or arrows. You will be able to do a version of this using LUA scripting but you will need some coding experience to create an effect close to what you would expect from a modern game.
Thanks again for all your questions and I look forward to bringing you another live broadcast in two weeks time. In the meantime feel free to use this forum thread to discuss the content of the recorded broadcast and ask follow-up questions. As always, happy game making!
GameGuru Classic will continue to be supported with bug fixes and functionality additions.