Hey guys. So often I want to make a script where I determine the location of
entities from a different script, and then move that entity (called from a
separate entity script). Quite a bit frustrating at times, because it seems like
you have to Strong-Arm the global variables into being recognized by GG,
and sometimes not any luck with trying to do it. Usually you can rely on the
Global.lua variables working (if the engine accepts the change)
I tried to assign my own globals, it doesn't recognize them, and so I tried to use
Global.lua entity variables-- which even broke GG. Why did this return a Runtime
Error- and shut down? ;;;
g_Entity[e-1]['x'] = g_Entity[e-1]['x'] + plrsdistx[e]
g_Entity[e-1]['z'] = g_Entity[e-1]['z'] + plrsdistz[e]
for sure the entity number exists. e[5] is calling to move e[4] // e-1
but it shut down GG......???
Anybody know what // UpdateEntitySMALL // function does?
g_Entity[e] = {x=x; y=y; z=z; obj=object;}