An update for the weekend.
I think i may have chosen the name
Harbinger for the game but we shall see.
Below are a few images to show off the progress. Note all the graphics in the photos are set the way I intend the game to be at launch (Best FPS in mind) therefor I did not want to make things look pretty for the sake of the photos as i want to showcase it in its original form.
The Starting Area
Diving Further into the cave
A small research outpost
Sentinel Companion
- They provide special benefits like health regeneration when nearby
- They can be used to mine Aragon crystals (A major currency used for building and weapon upgrades)
- Smart AI (They will always follow you, even if they get stuck they will teleport to your side).
A predetermined building unlock (Firing Range to rest weapon damage. With working target hit-markers)
Sentinel following
Deploy Sentinel
- Deploying the sentinel will cause it to mine periodically for Crystals in specified locations.
- Be prepared to defend your sentinel as enemies get harder
Sentinel Deployed
- Sentinel will no longer be able to provide support (In this case sentinel aura regen is disabled)
- Will only mine if you are in the immediate vacinity
Sentinel Collected
- Can collect and anytime and RUN!
Full loot tables
- Random weapon drop chances
- Unique weapons
- Things like multishot etc
- Chanced drops from mobs
Collect Peaceable (Anywhere!!) Buildings
And Recall it
Once again feedback is appreciated!