well, below info should sit anywhere out there.
FUSE Characters For GameGuru
1. Fuse On Steam (Free) http://store.steampowered.com/app/257400/
2. Adobe Decimator (Free) https://www.mixamo.com/decimator
3. FBX2GG (£30) http://gamegurutools.co.uk/fbx.html
1. Start by reading this thread: https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/215728
2. Then jump over and buy FBX2GG if you like what you see: http://gamegurutools.co.uk/fbx.html
3. Now download and install Fuse from Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/257400/
4. Watch a few tutorials and create your first character in Fuse
5. Once you have a character ready in Fuse, click ANIMATE and register/log into the Adobe ID site
6. You will need to confirm the character uploaded okay to the site, then click FINISH to proceed
7. You will see your character imported and you can choose multiple animation sequences
8. When you go to your cart, you can click the character and select QUEUE DOWNLOAD (FBX+TPOSE)
9. You can do the same with MyAnimations and again you can download the animation FBX file(s)
10. From the same site you can select PRODUCTS > CREATE > Decimator from the top menu
11. Select the character FBX you downloaded, select 30% and then click ACTIVATE DECIMATION
12. The resulting FBX will be auto-downloaded for you to your Downloads folder
13. Now close down most of your software and sites, then install and run FBX2GG software
14. Click Load FBX Character and select the decimated FBX file (i.e. decimated-30_FuseModel.fbx)
15. Select EDIT > Prepare Skeleton For FBX Animations then select Load FBX Animation
16. Choose one of your FBX Animation files and wait for it to be processed
17A. Select EDIT > Add FBX Animation to AnimationSet to add the animations you want
17B. You can repeat steps 16 and 17A for as many animations you want to add to your model
18. Select FILE > Save As DirectX With AnimationSet and choose an .X file name
19. Select FILE > Save textures to folder and choose the same location as the .X file
20. Move all the textures and the .X model file to a new folder and rename them as entity files
21. Ensure your texture files are yourname_XX_diffuse.png, etc where XX is the body part name
22. Also ensure your model file is also aligned, i.e. yourname.x. Open this file in NOTEPAD
23. Do a search replace and change "FuseModel" with the name of your model, i.e. "yourname"
24. Copy the X and texture files to the "entitybank\user\fusecharacters" folder
25. Create copies from FuseModel.bmp and FuseModel.fpe and rename them to your entity name
26. Once you have yourname.bmp and yourname.fpe, open the FPE in NOTEPAD
27. Edit the "DESC and MODEL" fields to match yourname (i.e. yourname and yourname.x)
28. Leave the "TEXTURED" field blank as we will be using the multi-material system
29. Now launch GameGuru and find your new character in "user\fusecharacters" folder
30. Select the character and drop it into the level, then click the Test Game button
And about how to get fbxtogg, I've found this on steam
Quote: "This has been designed/programmed by Rafhalzer, creator of Animer and Mender and can be purchased directly from him. Please email to bodzio3d@gmail.com"
Laptop: Lenovo - Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 1005M @ 1.90GHz
OS: Windows 10 (64) - Ram: 4 gb - Hd: 283 gb - Video card: Intel(R) HD Graphics
cpu mark: 10396.6
2d graphics mark: 947.9
3d graphics mark: 8310.9
memory mark 2584.8
Disk mark: 1146.3
Passmark rating: 3662.4