Scripts / [SOLVED] Using Mouse Cursor (sprite) to select a menu item

GameGuru Master
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Posted: 25th Apr 2020 19:52
I have given up for now trying to figure this out. I'm simply using a number selection. Of course, that can be only 1-9, and possibly '0' can be included.

There are two things that need to be done in preparation. Use the 'ActivateMouse()' command the create a sprite for the mouse cursor. That is as far as I have gotten. Now, I need to be able to use the mouse to move the sprite around the screen. I just am not able to figure that out using Lua. Actually, I have not really looked very closely at the Lua manual regarding this. Any ideas or help would be appreciated.
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GameGuru Master
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Posted: 25th Apr 2020 20:08 Edited at: 25th Apr 2020 20:08
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at top of script:

local mouse_spr = mouse_spr or CreateSprite( LoadImage( "scriptbank\\images\\mouse_cursor.png" ))

SetSpriteSize( mouse_spr, 1.5, -1 ) -- change value to resize mouse
SetSpriteOffset( mouse_spr, 0.75, 1.2 ) -- change to suit 'trigger' point of mouse pointer
SetSpritePosition( mouse_spr, 200, 200 ) -- initialise to off screen

in _main function:

local mx, my = g_MouseX, g_MouseY

SetSpritePosition( mouse_spr, mx, my )

then you can use the mx, my values to figure out where the mouse is on your menu or whatever
Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!

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