Hi guys,
I haven't had a whole lot of activity on the discord channel, so perhaps a forum post might net me more responses, LOOKING AT YOU smallg & AmenMoses!
I am trying to create brawler/beat'em up type game. While playing around with the "chainsaw brute" .lua script I was fascinated by how there were two different randomized attacks... a heavy, and a light one.
I'm wanting to create something similar, and spent a couple hours last night studying the gameplayer.lua that I've attached to this post. I couldn't quite figure it out, but made giant hard to miss notes on where I think those areas may be...
What I am wanting is....
* template that allows 4 different attack types (light punch, heavy punch, light kick, hard kick) assigned to 4 different keys.
*Each type of attack has a few different animations to randomly choose from
*Damage ranges from when the damage begins, and when it ends for each animation
...Is it possible to force the enemy player into an animation if a certain animation is prompted by the player? (player throws the enemy, etc.) it may be nice to coordinate some of these with the enemy.
All I am needing are places in the script that Ive attached that will allow me to plug these animation frames in... I have no clue how to set it up though... any help would be greatly appreciated. There are roughly 3 animations of each attack.. (3 light punches, 3 heavy punches, 3 light kicks, 3 heavy kicks)