Scripts / Flickering fire / flame light

Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 10th Mar 2020 19:40 Edited at: 10th Mar 2020 19:44
I thought I was doing pretty well when I jotted down this little script earlier. It's supposed to be attached to dynamic lights to give a flickering flame effect; a bit of range-flickering, colour-fluctuating, and position-wobbling. On one light it works fine, but attach it to any more than that and it only works on the most recently-placed dynamic light.

What am I doing wrong?

EDIT: Here's the script working on one light.

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Posted: 10th Mar 2020 20:15

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Posted: 10th Mar 2020 20:49

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Posted: 10th Mar 2020 20:50 Edited at: 10th Mar 2020 20:55
Quote: "lights[ e ].x = lx
    lights[ e ].y = ly
    lights[ e ].z = lz
    lights[ e ].r = lr
    lights[ e ].g = lg
    lights[ e ].b = lb"

you can store those without declaring them as a list/array?
edit: just saw AE posted at same time - figured it would error, good to know even amen misses the basics sometimes
you need to declare the info in the list set up
lights[ e ] = { num = GetEntityLightNumber( e ) , x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0}
i don't think they need a default value because they are being set later but i'll set all to 0 so it doesn't error if any are left as nil
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Posted: 10th Mar 2020 21:31 Edited at: 10th Mar 2020 21:33
line 19? doesn't match my script!

And yes once you have created a list you can add whatever you want to it without any declaration.
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Posted: 10th Mar 2020 22:17
Make that line 21 (the only thing I was missing was the generic comment at the top " -- LUA script - precede every function...")

@smallg, you don't mean like this do you?


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Posted: 10th Mar 2020 22:40 Edited at: 10th Mar 2020 22:46
Ahh, I see the problem.

Lines 8 and 9 should be lights[ e ].num instead of lightNum

There, that's better.

Edited to add, got there eventually, I really need to learn how to spell.
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Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 10th Mar 2020 23:31

Helpful as ever, lads


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