Scripts / How to Reset level and reset Npc start Position, ( Questions )

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Posted: 9th Mar 2020 19:16
Ok i know this has been discuss before , but as far as i know there were no true solution.

Question 1: If player dies , how do we reset the level, so it starts from scratch ? every thing on its place?


Question 2: If player dies how can we transport just the NPC ( ai_soldiers ) back to there original position?

I know you can have the player start from a check point if he dies, but some time the npc starts running up to the players last potion when he dies and when the player spawn / restart then the npc are right there were you are. its frustrating
I also know that we can spawn the player in different starting points to get around this problem, but this is not one i want to use now.

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Posted: 9th Mar 2020 20:31
Easiest way would be to tweak the AI scripts to detect player death and put the AI back at their start point.
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Posted: 9th Mar 2020 21:02
yes i agree AmenMoses , but how do one get to do this, i have tried to use these function
if ai_start_x[e] == nil then
ai_start_x[e] = g_Entity[e]['x']
ai_start_z[e] = g_Entity[e]['z']
and things like
but i did not succeed.
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Posted: 9th Mar 2020 21:08
Ahh, well first of all you need x,y & z for positions so you need to store all three.

Secondly you may need to set the AI mode to 'limbo' or whatever it's called before moving it otherwise GG will probably not play ball.
Also it's worth putting CollisionOff(e) and CollisionOn(e) calls around the repositioning (you may also want to reset the angle as well as the position btw).
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Posted: 9th Mar 2020 21:15 Edited at: 9th Mar 2020 21:19
lol, i did not think off all that, my brain is limited. hehe
does one have to ResetPosition first and then SetPosition, or the other way around
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Posted: 9th Mar 2020 21:24
They are basically both the same thing, personally I use different commands: PositionObject() and RotateObject().

These take the object id rather than the entity id and work directly on the physics object so are more suited to the sort of scripts I write.

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Posted: 9th Mar 2020 21:31
Sorry to ask but cant you help with the script , i know i am not the only one that would like to have such a script,
Only if you want and have the time please make some magic.
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Posted: 9th Mar 2020 21:44
Have a crack at it yourself first, you had the basic idea after all, just need to polish it a bit.

If you can't get it working, post the effort so far and I'll take a bash at it.
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Posted: 9th Mar 2020 21:48
ok cool
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Posted: 9th Mar 2020 23:00
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Posted: 10th Mar 2020 11:12 Edited at: 10th Mar 2020 12:57
Ok, i have tried but i cant get the script to work. i have modify ai_soldier.lua

Quote: "Secondly you may need to set the AI mode to 'limbo' or whatever it's called before moving it otherwise GG will probably not play ball."

I dont know how this works.

I also tried the function AISetEntityPosition, but it also don't work.
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Posted: 10th Mar 2020 18:14 Edited at: 10th Mar 2020 18:19

Good start. I see that you have this;
if ai_start_x[e] == nil then <<---========= Eliminate this line -- let's do it regardless.
ai_start_x[e] = g_Entity[e]['x']
ai_start_z[e] = g_Entity[e]['z']
ai_start_y[e] = g_Entity[e]['y'] -- keep this active also

Put those in the init part of the script. You want to make them
be sure they get a value assigned. You may have to assign that
more than once-- it's kinda hard to explain...

We just want to place the NPC down when reset whether it moves
or not: (Keep it simple)
eliminate this part:

-------mod for check if ai has move from start point
tDistX = g_Entity[e]['x'] - ai_start_x[e];
tDistZ = g_Entity[e]['z'] - ai_start_z[e];
DistToStart = math.sqrt(math.abs(tDistX*tDistX)+math.abs(tDistZ*tDistZ))
if DistToStart > 0 then
npc_moved = 1
npc_moved = 0

You'll need the CollisionOff before the move, and like AmenMoses said,
you'll need to include the 'y' coordinate.
======>>CollisionOff(e) - or this might have to call the object #? Amen knows.
PositionObject(EntObjNo,ai_start_x[e],ai_start_z[e]) -- ( this does nothing )
CollisionOn(e)- or this might have to call the object #? Amen knows.

That should get you closer- not tested.
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Posted: 10th Mar 2020 20:02
PositionObject needs x,y & z coordinates!

Pretty sure I said that already.
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Posted: 10th Mar 2020 21:22 Edited at: 10th Mar 2020 21:28
Quote: "PositionObject needs x,y & z coordinates!"

Yes i know you said it , but when i use the y coordinate then i get an error.
ai_start_x[e] = nil
ai_start_z[e] = nil
--ai_start_y[e] = nil --( this gives error if used )

Please make a copy of my script i have posted, and test it out , then you will see what i mean about the error \with the y coordinates
maybe i have declared it wrong i don't know.? , but it does not want me to use the ai_start_y[e] = nil
or when i do this.:
----mod for Store ai starting point
if ai_start_x[e] == nil then
ai_start_x[e] = g_Entity[e]['x']
ai_start_z[e] = g_Entity[e]['z']
ai_start_y[e] = g_Entity[e]['y']
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Posted: 10th Mar 2020 21:36
PositionObject( EntObjNo, ai_start_x[ e ], ai_start_y[ e ], ai_start_z[ e ] )

Ahh, you need:

ai_start_y = {}

at the top of the script.
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Posted: 11th Mar 2020 02:42
thanks AmenMoses,
i have tested your script , there is no errors, but Npc's do not move they stay on one place if they walk or run.

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Posted: 11th Mar 2020 03:53
Wow- those fellas are deadly shooters!!
Where Amen posted--
PositionObject( EntObjNo, ai_start_x[ e ], ai_start_y[ e ], ai_start_z[ e ] )

Don't do this line the entire script-- it's only supposed to activate once
per reset of level. Maybe check and see if the original AI is still in place
running for the duration- and the line above just for restart.
Hope that's it!
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Posted: 11th Mar 2020 09:44 Edited at: 11th Mar 2020 09:46
Try this one:

Oh and increase the fire rate value for the NPCs to slow the shooting down so you live a little longer.
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Posted: 11th Mar 2020 10:42
with this one they move correctly but when i die i get this error

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Posted: 11th Mar 2020 11:17 Edited at: 11th Mar 2020 11:17
Somewhere you have an npc_moved = false which should be npc_moved[ e ] = false. (or maybe = true)

If it's not in that screipt change the lines at the top to:
local ai_start_y = {}
local npc_moved = {}
local p_dead = {}
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Posted: 11th Mar 2020 12:00 Edited at: 11th Mar 2020 12:14
Thank you AmenMoses, its working 100% it was my mistake , i forgot to add the [e] at the npc_moved[ e ]
----mod for check if ai has move from start point
tDistX = Ent.x - ai_start_x[e]
tDistZ = Ent.z - ai_start_z[e]
DistToStart = tDistX*tDistX + tDistZ*tDistZ
npc_moved[ e ] = DistToStart > 1

Thank you so much, you are truly a script Guru.

So any ideas for me for Question1. before i start and break GameGuru lol
Question 1: If player dies , how do we reset the level, so it starts from scratch ? every thing on its place?
=== edited::: on second thoughts maybe it not feasible , i don't think its gone be possible with GG.

Again thank you so much AmenMoses, this was a big issue , it will make game play so much easier.
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Posted: 11th Mar 2020 12:58
Ok after testing this script with some of my maps, i found it to work very nice,
I did found out that the after the player died the ai will be moved back to the starting point , and then they will still make there way back to the last point were the player has died, i think its maybe because there state is still in aggro or something, but for now im happy because it takes them a while to move from there start point to were the player has died. And also if you have a check point then the player will spawn there so i am very happy.

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Posted: 11th Mar 2020 15:22
Yes it's very tough to get them to stop being in their old state.. you basically have to reset all the AI variables from their own scripts as well.. I had the same issue when I tried this years back
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Posted: 11th Mar 2020 16:13
smallg, yes i see now difficult it is,
but for now, its not so bad if they get moved back to start point and then, it at least take them some time to get back to the player.
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Posted: 11th Mar 2020 21:07 Edited at: 11th Mar 2020 21:10
You could set the ai_bot_state list to put them back to their start state, I.e. ai_combattype_regular.

So add:
ai_bot_state[ e ] = ai_combattype_regular

That might work.
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Posted: 11th Mar 2020 21:36
added ai_bot_state[ e ] = ai_combattype_regular , did not work
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Posted: 11th Mar 2020 21:37
Well I did say 'might'
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Posted: 11th Mar 2020 22:43
np , its fine the script works great for me.
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