Yes, all the relevanted stuff works between Levels in the Future. The Map in GG for now is not big. Maybe i make a second. I use the Levelsystem. You Start a Game and play. When you rich a specified point, the game loads the next level. When you turn around and rich a specified point you come in the Level bevor, all new Data goes with you. (hope my bad English is enough)
No, i have no plan to share or sale script at the moment. Im on Start

I have my ideas from this forum here, like SmallG, AmenMose, GTOX, Lafette, Wolf etc.
all this Members are the real Creators. I read many Scripts and learn what about LUA.
The Invetory and all other Scripts Optimized again, and its now perfect enought. All bugs shown in the videos beovr are fixed and now at the morning today, i started with the Level MAP. It is a realy hard work and cost a lot of time. But I have time and do what i can.
Over the past few weeks, I've been thinking a lot about how the game should go. A bit of survival, a little DayZ feeling, a very little bit RPG and many other little features to make the game interesting. I hope GameGuru MAX will make things a little easier. Let's wait and see.