I am working on a conversation system that can be used by anyone, regardless of the amount of npcs you want to use.
The idea is to work with characters created with the new CC with the added lip-sync function, plus tts.
Each npc can only use 6 audio files (voices), 3 player questions and 3 npc answers. At the moment I think 6 voices are fine.
1- sprite - a gradient gray bar when not visited and orange gradient when it is already visited.
2- 1 text file that will contain all the questions and answers, plus the name of the npc.
I use 1 file named "
convo_list.txt" and other one named " convo_audio.txt" in the video:
Do you know some guy named Roy Watson?
Have you been in this town for a long time?
Sorry, have we met before?
Not personally, but I know someone who does, old Jack, now he will be at the nearest bar.
I was born and grew up here, I've been living in this town all my life.
I doubt it friend, I never forget a face.
Hi, what are you doing in this lost place, in the middle of nowhere?
I'm looking for a witch, do you think you can help me?
Beautiful place, it seems a very quiet place.
I live here, what is your excuse?
The one in town left for Indiana, I'm sorry I can't help you.
It was, that was a long time ago, if you want a good advice friend, do not let the night surprise you
Hi, is this the right way to get to the bar?
What happened here?
Do you know a witch who went to live in Indiana?
You are on the right track.
In sight it is.
We are busy, follow your path.
Hello, has someone told me that you know Roy Watson, can you help me find him?
Do you know a witch who left to live in Indiana?
I see that I can't get any information from you.
I'm sorry, but you have been misinformed.
I do not know what you are talking about.
Friend, the information here is not free.
Excuse me, could you tell me where to find the market?
I just wanted to ask.
I'm sorry if I bothered you.
I do not want to talk to you.
Stop bothering me.
Go away!
This file will be used by the script to load all the dialogs in a table, which will then be used to show the dialogs in their respective sprite.
So does not matter which questions you do, or how many npcs you want to use for.
3- 1 text file that will contain all the paths of the audio files (voices) in a table, which will then be used to load all sounds into GG.
audiobank\\Convo system\\Q1.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\Q2.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\Q3.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\A1.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\A2.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\A3.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\Q4.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\Q5.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\Q6.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\A4.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\A5.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\A6.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\Q7.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\Q8.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\Q9.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\A7.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\A8.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\A9.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\Q10.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\Q11.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\Q12.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\A10.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\A11.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\A12.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\Q13.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\Q14.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\Q15.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\A13.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\A14.wav
audiobank\\Convo system\\A15.wav
You must respect the naming convention and the files structure.
Note that the numbering is correlative, so do not call your sound file "
Also note the "
name = ornakus" tag as a block start, if we divide the file into blocks; each block = 1 npc, 6 phrases, and 6 sounds (voices).
Those are the tipical char in a game than does no have nothing to say, or simply they won't talk with the player.
Now I'm going to give a go to pair ideas I've, random answers and derivative ones.
As I've pointed above, the goal here is this code working on GGMax and with the new CC lip-sync chars, and this raise the questions, such as:
1- I guess I will be able to enter dialog text in a textbox or something like that, and GGMax will create audio .wav file named by me, and store them let's say, in the audiobank folder, is that correct?
2- Will the audio file be attached to the npc automatically, or will it have to be activated by a script?
3- There is the possibility that I can use my own audio file with an npc created with GGMax CC.
Given that CC will use the microsoft voices to create the animation of the character, could I then change the audio file for mine?
4- Once I have the character created, animated, and with lip-sync applied, I have a question:
Normally a conversation occurs between two or more people, for example between an npc and the player, here the question arises:
For example, the player asks:
Do you know how I can get to the castle?
NPC replies:
You follow this path and it will take you to the castle.
How can we assign the dialogs to the player?
5- how many sounds (voices) can we assign to a character created with CC?
This depends on the approach I have to give to the convo system.
Laptop: Lenovo - Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 1005M @ 1.90GHz
OS: Windows 10 (64) - Ram: 4 gb - Hd: 283 gb - Video card: Intel(R) HD Graphics
cpu mark: 10396.6
2d graphics mark: 947.9
3d graphics mark: 8310.9
memory mark 2584.8
Disk mark: 1146.3
Passmark rating: 3662.4