I tell the editor to use "MyLuaScript.lua" - which the editor accepts, (and preserves through future editing sessions).
GG passes "MyLuaScript.lua" to Windows, (or has it already, (perversly - and what I suspect may be happening) made it all lower case)?
Windows obliges and opens the file and passes the handle to GG.
GG reads the file and now demands that "MyLuaScript" be "myluascript".
And *absolutely* a function of the lua interpreter.
The apparent inability to transmit a string accurately through the various bits of GG is - at best - worrying.
No. No. No. No. The restriction of _init and _main being all lowercase rather than reflecting the real filename, (which is itself an imposed restriction) is a restriction that has been imposed by Lee. Not by the operating system.
You can't teach an old dog.