Feature Creep / objectives

New Emperor
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Posted: 13th Feb 2020 12:15
I would like some kind of objective / missoin editor for example you cna't end the leval unless you have object a or destoryed object B also an option to give amisson breefing would be cool. here an exapel.

game starts

Screen 1
you have inflotrated the Nazi command center (code name The lab) and have been captured ad theown in the dungon

1:escape the dungons

2: Find the map for the V2 launch sites

3: escape 'the lab' get to the extraction point

press any button to continue

levals starts.

like that you know it could really add to story telling having objectives wou;d alos let us make more robust games in my view.
3D Media Maker
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Posted: 13th Feb 2020 13:28
I wouldn't hold my breath if i was you. It will be very unlikely that GameGuru will receive any more new features (apart form those that were promised at the beginning), they have just started the pre-orders for the next game engine "GameGuru Max", GameGruru will become "GameGuru Classic" and we've been told they will only be working on fixing bugs and finishing off features already started or previously promised.

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Posted: 14th Feb 2020 14:12
Yes, also in the new GG, this kind of feature would have to be scripted by you. In any case its quite doable.
New Emperor
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Posted: 15th Feb 2020 10:08
I know that GG is getting the Max update (I have preordered) so I was thinking for max it could be good. I am not a coder but I will look into scripting and see if I can figure out how to do it.

I have a little experience with C# in unity is LUA similar to that?
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Posted: 16th Feb 2020 12:32
Not Exactly what you want, but can be changed to maybe get your desired results.

I have this and it works well.


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