Oh, I did not know about that settings.fx trick, will keep in mind next time I try to create a decent scene thank you. I understand some textures are different here and there, but I mostly used stuff from the packs to set it up quickly and practice. The smaller rocks are pretty good, still trying to learn how to use them effectively.
That's some good advice, thanks Wolf.
I use each scene to practice something especific, those two were used to practice environment and ambience.
I did a quick scene ( 20 minutes ) using props from the mega pack, trying to give it that fantasy feel.
And this last one I thought I could learn something about height and big structures. Maybe with some more fog, I could give the impression that it actually is taller than it looks.
Next time I'm going to practice terrain, and post here for feedback once again.
R5 3600X - GTX 1060 6GB - 16GB RAM