Hey gang!
I am currently alpha testing a game and ran into a major problem that can be quite frustrating for people intending to sell their game.
So here goes: You know how you can see your date and time at the lower right corner of your screen? Well GG does save the date and time of a saved game if you make a game save (that was not the most eloquent way to put it, but I am sure you follow)
Now, in windows you can have your date displayed in various formats. For the EU it would be
01/20/2020 and for the US:
01 - FEB - 20. However, it seems to be the case that if the game creator has a different format set up than the player, the game crashes while saving with the error you see in the attached images.
Now I dont have a git-hub account, as a non-coder I dont have much to contribute. but I am sure someone who is active on there could put that on there! Thank you!