Feature Creep / Option to insert part\ use brushes

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2020 01:40
Hello all. After taking a break from GG to try out some other engines and spend the holidays with family and friends, I realized something.

Let's take Unity or even something simple as Roblox for instance. I can add parts such as squares, cylinders, wedges, etc. straight from the studio and easily move, resize and rotate them around.

I couldn't find something like this in GG, it seems I can only add premade entities. Sure, I could create all I need in Blender per say, but that's extra work and not practical at all.

Is there something like this in GG and I'm blind, or do you think it would be nice to have it?
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2020 00:55
1 - No.
2 - Can't see much use for it - but if you find it useful, then I guess others would also.

Lol - my simplest answer yet!

aka Reliquia
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2020 02:36
I'd argue it can be quite useful for a quick prototype or something like that. Create a room with the parts, texture them and no need to worry about squares only that seem to be the case in GG.

Not only that, but you could actually create quick assets by combining the parts together.
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Posted: 8th Jan 2020 16:55
Hey. Yes, I would find this quite useful also. There are definitely things
missing in GG that the developers a> seemed to have overlooked,
b> don't think are valuable, or c> don't want to bother with putting in presently,
or there is no easy C++ function to use for it. These reasons are pretty much
inter-related it sounds also.
For example: An easy sound generator (just a single line of script) would
do for sounds what block making would do for building like you are proposing.

But have you looked at the Leadwerks engine? I haven't tried that out,
but they might have something like you are talking about?
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Posted: 13th Jan 2020 20:15
Game Guru now has a Builder mode. Which will allow you to draw (cubic) rooms? Its a tab of its own now separate from Entities and Markers. You can also texture these walls, floors and ceilings and parts.

The only problem is it's entirely cubic and based off small cubes and not any other shaped meshes.
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Posted: 14th Jan 2020 02:26
Wow! If they expand CC and get it looking really good, then if they
expand EBE building creator so you could build almost anything, for example
vehicles, ships, flying fortresses (blocky Robloxy looking ones sure!!)

But still, this might just be another expansion that would really pay off for them-
Can you possibly script the EBE objects? Might test that one day.

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