Work In Progress / The Collapse (WIP)

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Posted: 14th Dec 2019 14:27 Edited at: 14th Dec 2019 15:46
The Collapse is a post-apocalyptic game, heavily inspired by the old table-top RPG "Aftermath" and the Fall Out video games. It is intend as a mixt of Exploration, RPG and FPS game (Yes, this is slightly ambitious considering GG capabilities for the time being, so the game is set in "levels" rather than an open world like game)

The Story Line :

In a near future, the modern civilization is on the verge of collapsing. The combination of climate changes, exhaustion of natural ressources, especially in oil and gas, and population exponential growth threatened the whole Humanity. Tensions between Nations of the Northen and Southern hemispheres raises as well as internal tensions in all countries as the gap between the whealthy ones and the rest of the people becomes wider and wider. Oil and gas sources depletion is the main concern, as reaserch for alternative technologies is either deceptive or too slow. On the other end, Space Agencies of USA, Europe, Russia, China, India and Japan unified in a joint Space Exploration Program in order to exploit no terrestrial ressources to replace oil and gas based energies. This program made a major breakthrough when hyper sleep and cryogenic technologies became available. First short time tests on animals and humans proved that this technology was highly reliable and both long range space journeys and building of explotation colonies on Mars and beyond were planned, with unlimited credits as the situation on Earth deteriorates over the months and years.
As a former Air Force Officer and Trainee Astronaut, you voluntered for the first long hyper sleep test, scheduled to last for no less than 8 months.
At the beginning of the game, you suddenly wake up in your hyper sleep chamber. Of the 6 other Astronauts involved in the test, you are the sole survivor and the whole underground compound is abandonned. When you finaly reach the surface, the Collapse has turned into reality...

Credits :
3D Models :
TGC, Sulla, Wizard of Id, BSP, Lafette, Codecrusher, Disturbing13, Team Wolf, AlexGCC, Lotgd, M Stockton, Nomis 3D, Oldpman, Pasquill, BSP, EAI (Enhanced weapons Pack), Teabone, Valuable Assets
Hopfully I do not forgot anyone. If so, please let me know...

Additionnal scripts :
Moshroom, Teabone, Hockeykid
A few simple custom scripts by myself ( a big thanks to Smallg for his inspirering work)

Below, a short video of the "Aqueduc" level.

All feedbacks are welcome.


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Posted: 12th Jan 2020 22:01
Nice start ,like the sounds . Not really enough to comment on yet but it looks like it will be interesting

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Posted: 13th Jan 2020 16:33
To much reflection in the water but ye a good start.
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 13th Jan 2020 19:27
Thank you for the comments.
@ Dave : i'm glad you like the sounds, I'm trying to add as much ambience sound as possible in my level
@ Synchromesh : I agree, reflection is too high, I'm still struggling to find the right balance beteween transparency, color and reflection

Btw, progress are unfortunately much slower than expected, I suspect that this project could be slightly over ambitious but I keep going on.
I will post new videos shortly
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Posted: 13th Jan 2020 19:53
Not much to tell yet, but one thing for sure: that "blup blup blup" blubbering sound needs to go. Its comical and I doubt thats what you are going for.
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Posted: 27th Mar 2020 01:59
Actually that has a pretty fun looking environment for a bit.
Half life 5?
@Blub blub sound; make it more sporadic and diminish the
volume by maybe 1/2
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Posted: 29th Mar 2020 22:35
As others say, I agree that the "Blub blub" sound of making it heard very few times ... seems like you're drowning.
The reflection of the water is ugly, better a transparency than a reflection.

For the rest, I really like the atmosphere, the environment.

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